The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

SUPPLEMENT TO THE TIMES, FRIDAY, Jlfcy 26, i860. 11 INQUIRY iiitrtthe LEGISLATION. Otintrol, HKHRfKT H'Vuk tM'. Mit. aad aalwa.

WnwK MrAa3.l UMt I am rwaa KwH TORQUKTr rKN.UU K.UlaI.ll and iiu mvNrii iiirrioN xr ea.a ium. 'v. fr aather. Tiatae ra.a. Caveat rare, br kYi MardtaH, Kivl Co of a bom to! had tlx abol at Uul pah UxJ.

I2n, A dot. lejerad. KTRKSOR I'ECOLIER FRANCAIS; or, I i Art Ttvr4.UM Kaurlh tat rTaarrh at ArM. pr P. Vl Mwm I4a, rMabtf.b AV.Te., Va IVHK ro u4(, of hen rea4 tbr wa.a 'reaV.

4 FM pSllBn a. 4krtla 14 pp.1.. mHK INTELLECTUAL CAI.CCLATOR I eorn (Vw rt U1 ut ratal ArHhanetl. Patr! hf Vkl at Sortti. ul.artd be re ra.r, u4 4.ced a 0TV i.

B. adrinir, and KCim rUn Vie ul Co. llamu a1 Icaapnaa and C. h'ttaker u4 Cv UlTTTKK' ETYMOLOGICAL SPELLING" If R.vtK ad lMMM.ttah'Ukml lTlto la Rendu ul rVetltnr MlUoa, rV la. d.

PcVaa aalr la kr a Tl aWa prWd A PRACTICAL TREATISE on OPTICAL INV "Library oMVafKn. with aa Ai t. i lnl of liunrvdarnt and Uit.tMklttrlw Hi' araled by I'1 Rr. andrew rmrciukii. tt iumu.

r. KXliLAKDaaJ WALM. Ie Uw relaua HV la. Ad. I.B.

TIIK GEOGRAPHY of GREAT BRITAIN. "lEOR'H voxa M. A let Prea of fWle. at Unl iC V. l.MlU R.

PORTER, i of Hoard ef Trade. Part f. luUi uj W.le. TKte bw put Tt I Urn. bt the vVMkrn i n( )u(aul TMe.

llji Rotart HM1. rxmalx TTTIOTAll I ITl'll LTITRtf i.f AVPIKNT I I ORKC'C Um Ivrtol Inmtn. fno Ik I lj. UU u4 lift TUt ar ar Otmao K. MI'LlkK.

rmx la Um tlwr Bf mllll uv.rii:00K CORNWALL LKWI.K q. Al. I l. mm la Ul tM ir MR. RIQQ RKTIRINQ from DCSINKS9.

WtU tt prW TV. mktU rf ti rks a4 tUaltttCK Mnf MLl lit aadvcaat aftoa. a4 aauta4 a'aia In la w0 l4uluu aa InowJiaU 4Unil Ta avxa UW ItmLa aa4 luran Ua. MUas Wrfs ktK naaUai, Ura. kc tim ul Sua.

tela TlaAav. Uu. aad CoJ NDIA SIIAWUS. Kxtr ordiry Priow. Hit iivumm aaa j.

mtHiiuiMM rnniil nwai aw Mil A Ul iVU.clJrdtWlWnnMlwIaaaMMa IS not r. fm UWirincalUrlr laaaMlinfi lot una In 4rn Uiru1i a rlu. maar of kia a'w aKM loprrfvsloaa ar a4i4c4 for lanl'iU. TK vault an nartxl la flala ifrm. Ll.

MrTtn(ta aa4 Oraha'n, ladla aaaal vmBnaja.10, LadiaK turn, nm aouMM from panfa 27LKOANT MDSLINS. fe'JeiuiofcOut. Cloc of UUxtWoa PKE'WCS art Tm IIM vi Own (rn CuiM Tlmvlnll. riaal cWJal. Una, pink, lilac.

rrm, bUcfc a4 aiu. or iJala alaW II. rrUrVA Maikla. A.M. PtW k.

hwl la rliUi I blx a wiU aa imanlol iut, wiflba lonrafl McrAasu Uoa Samm. IIt rrUrtrk Malkla. Lowt, Kntarl Kl.lta. nunrmf mw SCUM A A7. frl.aia fl lM am; 1 M.

fcw4 la oV4a GCIDKto the KRKNCII 4.WIfc lk4 ifraa 4tr 4 laat Uaiou A K7 kt th luM.i ib aKnv wirk. at rilO FAMILIES RKSIDINO in TOWN or cnr.XT&V REOiTiRixn nuiuiTiai.c nut iruh LmHtln, CalwnM, Bianiib. UarsaU, A' TW MrNlnni of Um MATlOSAL LIMKX CO PA NY. la an on. ahlrj aa 1 a mnrlnx lalcalloa of mtJrln funllla.

at rluUi uka rlu MMnf auaaa4arAa4ui mar aalnuaMrfiMnum via irenca i umi.iwuu u.iu uuixaa, twine rnrarmnr. a. nurlf a. ir a trxrt mmr aimn dj wri JiTv.L B4'a a4C. MVr Ivr'kf ti.raa4 II t.

HaSwia tl. aula aa 1t a wry kooaWU ol It. maj Mac It to 'w, a4 r.Li art fonrardoi pajment alllK HUMAN FRAME however enouly Ai, Una. lal luKalweklUim o( fiqr In I fifaJiilartoli Hkia'jiiaut fnt lb roo.toirw of (amillr. ba.

a 'rM rrnj RMTnKKO HtlLTII a VlflOl'R. nw nlj la kaxLId of tba fru laMuao. A ac eJlU.av. iio la thy cnunia a lBt pflra an hre(9ofrl hot a. inra frr v4.

taaUalla. an Ihrt rr ar tj L4 Pa H.rri vij Co n.4. kuwa VkMtul lV: SmjAln aa4 M.tvBall. ratern. 'rr ra: X.

Bjo4 aaj P.KW1. rrxo ft IU Te Hl. prlr txrlO Tab dar tn lit nroV, Ul Krol I Voluiua ol A RC II BOLD'a SUMMARY of the LAWS of IV. K.XQLAXP: tniWac lb of Ova La of Kal Pro, iSbl Coa.rTuKla. llf JOHN' rRKRKKICK AUCHIWLD, Miitl and Mnrh are of moaldarabia ImDortaaa In nvdva.ln.

oaiir. i i roMrtfittr lania, nrxoalj aa retard. prkt bat aho aaivrtnr rvUrM and Unrb xf tfv. Corapaaj'i rauu'atum Maftitllsrat ta ckiua, ram Mur, ua. radi 41ancr naialaa match.

ia rL 0.a. I fj irol VlKHaWtlMllirimaattoaalifi.lta rfla.r.?JivTT,,,r' iar aad taa taaajd OltrillUaa WyraT.l4lU rtyiua aa. iaatalJ aU Ua ffu, i taoat taiiuBMi tmprwf amaiiU naaMforM. all Taaaa Prlaa a PIANOFORTE. At a eret ncrifiee tr 'imnie' riAKOfOBTE.

la hiull'i TWERRIHOUSE o4 Co, watch od cUl rr, ya aaaaa. aa. mca I fnnnarlr of rWtaiariara aad lwa oort. ai.w, wtuinriaw. aaMUaUf aaUaaivuu.

Bt ri a aaaa arw. BLL at rxit frl auaa Ua lr ar Uaaaljr nnw of tlM aar aMaMav6al trra. atraat. Baraaia aar. if a i JONES' 4 4.

tiller lever and I0 10. zU I Thcr ara t'aaraat. Ira, and djrahl aad ik. iqpenor 004 remark COTTAQE mxorORTE. raa, rlcalr owM fr at.

aarraj aara. fral rafl. U. Ithaa afl IK tar lataat lmi.ioaa.u. aa am la act foul aaoaihs udalSba 80 at a nrj pnea tor raadj monT.

Ho rwj aoverlor. iaavlaead. aad alaa ut aa la4ra aa la tj wmuvai lai Baa TOO. TO a aa Mr. kar.

I. Badaiparau atraet wtuia, Ua ml bow from I prr. I Tb7 an lanii, Ira, and dorahl aad Um aaa radaao. vatXMa for paf' Tun aar a f.ire the taaMM aa. u.

mm fareira. On raraiDt ef a ra oraar far I. aV to nrlo oaa la at fra aad aaf. rKKTLI, 2a. 327, 'w Oxford itrt.

Mn gEj 'j 1. kaitaai. far Biaaty ymr. rrjrtaaa i iitain ra Ikaaauf ji aulutk.a aa.k.aa eaWa, ta raa. iaaaiawt, vd ,13 fAn'Jtlji*zz' "lrfm' rmm artVrl, and.

nEKTIL Maotition aal Articulatin improved JL aadBa JI rCARTWaiHrAVI.a.ad1V, aura, raw, M. ai. li Otf atnat, avar Orraari ral eopnaiu tka Nar aad Kla Unaann, l.J tke MnMnl oaailaaa fiZtTLlC aaXf daortarad MlUCl'jr TKCTII raanahaal araar ta daraair, break. ial deoay. net the praa4l atmoptre i.ih.

ertamit eiiraOrx tbe aad Malaga or rla anr pala. laeotwaaa. i J4. aa avaioic ur aett laar pnac. nk dlrarta'aa 'or aaa.

bf eartf a XI aaoia "PENTi IMPROVED WATCH ES and CLOCKS. LJ.nCT.ataodrJorkBaaAerWdiatlMa.4atiaenta'e rilEETH, 2d. 61. Mn. THOMAS and W.

oalUbleaaad eernianlaa. a. nWaui. aMOaaem.lLR.11. Prbaoe AJbart.

and I K.lktkaienratKaan. araaiu JaWr rj. BMVaerau atlM. eoraaat Thf aaV IU." rSrlabi 'TVV? of ha. eilcaalee to aJ tna pan i annrtst In, owOaaiU. WATCHUand CICK anaSraoiu all la iau aviara I MISr.a.LTLlCrH,ri.i. and aad biara. aerarad wiaerabr ran ra enaaamai Karn. LonW aril awa I A IrrtV Ja. aa in and loser tf arttSflal lar Ja.

a 1 fv xu operaaKi eamaiaa, anl ae rm reajairaA. Anari.nnre) at "eT IAVOFORTKS a 1.rr.aK Tk. KilVl Uroremeak.ak the re an enrnlTM iv 1 1 t.VI.T;. I ltar'd tab, ieel lad la four V4aa. if iendeawn a.

wlui enaineUad I avmaa. aaHiac. of erarkiaaad an aatDllaatiaed bj the earted efferai of cUmate, al A A lull ana nne i.ulu CHAI, com 1 JL tat. la Bho*ra eaaat. for A3 lit.

at HARL aad Pw.Vjt. li. i aoa Cnrahin. Tb auh la af tbe aortauataJ rnnrtnao. eaUe4 la fow aad TVECAYEP Jur rATRT I TORT rATlr.rorabadaraa

aa I CMrafara aenr ttaraa Mac. It la anally applied. FRONT TEETH. KNOTT's PATR.VT I TORT Mlr, for Korr.a 4Ta. teetn.

eostala raoonuneled br the tDnat emiaent maddLaaa. Maaoiatarwl in aaahe naj. Dutne. unn. mtla.

and ma at Si a ainew eacn. aJne ae v. WJ. ealanUaaed I7A o. eflkenat faahkmaMe aJTM.

.1 3 jL. lTT a DIANOFORTES, The best and choicest 0f i dtaU4 enatnle afiaia eaallty. The a.e eianu i oeaoeal Timea fro. la. 4.

i 10 Sena aad PICCOLO. CoUaea.afid (UlaK PTlVne P. I r.pi ol aa i i. jaaa.lcre. BamMraac.

rr.a iprof towtbwanno. of pIrSnur iriL JZ ZiZJT ST, XT EWLY INVENTED ARTIFICIAL TEETH U.R.U. naK a lFart. aad aador 4i ll ned palnaa a. "TLr? 0 I1MM Itnilnivns I.AIMUJKKIW 1 iaio a at.

.3 rtrav aa in wL lav 1 1 11 la la Ol w.liiyiiVnv i kwm. nmn an v. ua. M. per pair, inen ui riTtV te Lavarrr.

rU raUons a laiat. the F.rtd.T iovm, to ani.t Uwm. ,11, JOIIS rKKDKRlCK I Train VirJiiJl 4 WakrSee aad i ia. 4). ParUiaeat ARCUU JLU.

i IbrrMo al Ue. Load n. and x. Frt banJkTlrta. from a.

ad. per docen. an linen Terr rood at aarrrt. na4 1' Vrmi Ht a'l ter lane. Pr WOKKl aaa IM lRIPATII TVOMSTIC PKAPTIOK of HYDROPATHY.

I FWaj I thmiwAl. IV Tia an Tr of Hjdr rnh llinaaaad. 64. 11; Jr. t.

Kortd Ul.uaaa4. 3a a 1K a4 Taall Ihvamad. d. lirdropu TroaKreet the Iharaaaaof ia. Xo ready.

Pa ha li Tf id. Rlnpt lavlM. fJl nnv art pearU an I (rM lai tbe Prl rkuoi fall emuaa uji i.Tii tj ruOMa. irnra liat 1 la. eaa 9 e.

rt "iin rrn. tier laaa rbUtppa. Him of IK Crrncn, JUr arTl'i Wliuaat htfh aaloral one aa fc deUtam bf UM aaa aSenn Tbcy an avl riterua.e of erery ahade of 94.air. an 1 an luel wth prrVct eaaa and witflj 'a na4ib a re weid. Hhertllvra Irlah liaon aborUn.

Deirrr threa i PROWWE mnA f' Il A ach eiitn.n a Bna told Uat rlnjv ren Ad. ta IV. mk. aw ania Ikt am4 aal aval oaodc iraias. Ceferanra nrr Iwi a.

and Sab nai.ln.. id. per 4oll at ut fS Vftw.rili? ms Jim. to il each a larje rarwi, lb. Soart bnUw andde! for ball aa 1 klb bea UM an ealenalre i rvH'fit lano arranted 5rfe.

uJ dana rarrtrLf In prwe frorn 1 to each i aie rleb foreLn U4 UrlUah dn. UMe linen. lib arrl Home rari at 11 tl and 14. aturt of imtlr oen i iniU hril unt nnrC from 3 a dosea rurkainlr fine, and renal la aDoreranre la iMid at l' tbe prkc. IV.

tVUner doaea; llaeo la ekUuand dairi.kSi pre deem raiaillea por hadak at there verehoeuaa direct 1U effort a aarlaf of proll allneed atenU and retail bouaea. Praapaetuaea, aon aiai full partk ulara and prtoea. ran ha hl at the warebnnara. or bf pwl. National Unen Company, Ileetatrei corner of rarrinkdon U.

tbe bolUen of Ludeate hill. Oouatry ordera ab.rr ti carrare Ire. laaare. rWb. prlee nmieiln.

ManhalL and HYDRormlilT" 4JWEDENB0RO on HEAVEN and HELL being ijl a fUlatioo of Hoard aad peon. lredrnHore.ApnojUriae Heaealad. 1 Tola. rloih, price ISc Pwedrobora on Um IHrlne ProTidenrex eiotb. rriee ta Complete Lwta of 9a.laabor('a Wurka mar be bad on aalleatlon.

Sea Wrry. Klu atraet, rifJSora. Of pen' BON miiE I MilUCS MXTLIAR to WOJIEV: of la rhlld bed. ifc, aiana. rmer.t.d Infanta.

Hj JOUXCOX. M.D, (V "TVtnert ir. 1 pregnant and parturient 9ra wirt iraalevi la fSia aar. tV nurorroeja diarvea abich they a en V4 Un bearl wbCe tbrtr nrruica nnull be rat it inpawldeTaaa Ulerf d'A aaea, I It aad as, ae the Ji caw. mUn.anue iirnt and mallrcat Tai.

1 UXja c. miin. iai. roil TEiIrCT10N IT ANClk XT aitO URAI lir. A CONCISE VIEW of ANCIENTGEOGRAPHY.

Oir and Ilirt aal Vote, and fee, I 1WI wale. II rr SVH, ll rd an! ao." r'u' i a vnte direrl tlir rrontlnrta.ll.. It 1UN are, rolrarr, Tb'rl r.lltl.. ti l.

lajr fi I I aed la 'a. Mnii4ln. VI ardiaJlnd LalrlT ayY. PRECEPTOR'" ASSISTANT or, Mi.cel Uia' a ln Ocm ral Ht t'rr. and ri.Jeare.

IjiSk vrilXllM. M.A. elllion. and em hcuSol ii ru Haw a. roan ucrel.

AU, by tbe nan, Tb ra Lini Lanalftar an e.y an! amitala; ia ral inj aed. nit1! Duuicreua Cut. li. ei 'i S.xSin. Mar hall, ail an! Wb tvi.T an! Co.

JnalmNadied. it.x a all.E SELF INSTRUCTOR in HERMAN con ia.i.ju I 4vt Mauiallllar Uie Wrf, a In Kite Art. by i. Isr Acta. l.y Mrtililrr.

a aS tir. aal KtpUnabTli '4ia. Ity F.ALCK IHN. A i .4 'rrniiin la Volame." Practice in licr ban Af. A ni.r.t irvrtlCAl aork." Itri'atiiii One t.f Urf in.a4 lsi4 t'lettn rea Ilu, lKvia that ttr al ur.dcr our banl." Jaa'KI.

Tbe auieLl ull Lave no cuid uirrr tiMr Lo bait 'Tidon. mi kin. Mar tall. audlV. URKKK TKTAMKNT.

altn N.rt Ne aa rarrrV)? rraiard Ja 'Ubliabel. In auir royal aHE NEW TESTAMENT in GREEK, with a eartf a e.trl Trt. a Otil P.w;n. an.1 m4o Vm fS a Up: I IV 'ia and fun crati rii aad the je wr fru. rncv I hi.

are a.v.ra.e 1 a Cironol v1cl 11a. ll tLe Ilea w. Tr.nLL'iPl A tf Pen ikT.i" 4it; an 1 orrli nc ibr C'Aical a a c' rai juluirbcd by JMni; kin, Maraball, and he iA 1 of iier lYXAal ROMAS KM PKU.It. rnne IIt aol Ubcra aiJi IvrhMan Pal THE HISTORY the ROMAN KMPF.R0RS, froir. Aiirurta L' tbe IieaU of Marcua earefuSr txrsri 'r Latin anl Orerk Bj ibelile r.

K0BKRT LVNAM IMitel by tbe Her. JOllV T. rTlllfK. In jf j'l IV r'ib. morely ti tbe Knli raaler.

it tNc iatm and 0re S. a a.e that aa auici iroifv Herald a a aork which will take a i lace as ai Oi'ird Herald. andoa. printed for P. H.n Wbrnaker and IV Hamilton and Eli Miae anl rV.n.; rlcTrnanl Norton; asl VTallor A34 rxaj nridrr.

hton Oif.aM. J. II. Parker. KliiHiL BirOKii li WILLI AM HITLER.

Edited by THOMAS mil CHRONOLOGICAL, Bioyfraphical, Historical, aad aceUaneoua KXLUCI. i. 1UA eliUuu. lino, Ta. t' koaa i AnibsKtical faeHicei 13ih e.liu..n.

aith Addltioaa by Oeorn Ir ISrr Extircsa and VTiUi Vacation ExaminatJon, asu m. Aiiarviia t.y ahich llie CL.uiIitona may te eaaily kaoaa. aa. IZi: loutid. A Kr to the iv a tbr lai 'hra la S.

acaed MTilia. 0jtk in Kuli.h llilorj and ili'vmi'by. 5th lSm, 4.. traxnl. OavTar liical Eirrriac.

on the ea dearrlNrutthe Prlnci. tal rvr in rlaita by St. Paul: anl narratirat the rat laymrvnor. rirdr.l in the llirtoriea. Bt Mv tilltfei lin v.

i. N.and. Tahlw. Ac lid Itti.ej. L.anlua.a.u.1 ly Sitaiini Mar.raH.and Co.

finlTIl a Xrw Edition. F.SARIS de HELLO GALLIC0 ct CIVILI iMMKXTAKII, AtoIud Liifli 1 Hello Aleian 'rno. Afri II i. Kliti t. aa.

oiruiteii I'fM'AX, Atuilr ni.l a I'll KHTI.iX. 4a re1. fli Marr' a'l, and I of a bora may be aad KKllK.VKKATIH. 42WKD)rNB0R0's TRUE CHRISTIAN RELI kj 8IO.V or. the ChlTrraal Tnel.T of tbe 'e Cbnrr! a eoro plrte alr Ir.TinilT Kllh lalle, para.

8ao.riob. 1 li a el or lha Saw Jeraaalcm aad tta iiea.enJy IKictrUie, atltehed. pne la ad W. yeahery.fjjjtnfatreet. dborn.

Xoalaadyr LONGFELLOW'S POEM, "VOICES of the l'ilir. lr a Laviy. Price 10a. 64. board.

Hckln an 111. New Kind rtrrab (lr Cll A K.S A I I AGO A 0 COR PA pu hahed. pnee TKl'LY to Lteut. Col. BUKLTOK's ATTACK.

Bf Mv rTt91, LETTER on FREQUENT COMMUNION. By A LETTER PKXELOS. Prrtace. by the dlT. ArrhM of Cambral IT1.

Mitel, aad aHh a W. J. E. BENNETT. INwtmal Cnnte of 8 PaolV.

KaL ht hrid. Lond m. J. Clearer. 4a.

PlocadUly. Vtfw WORK IKILV ATRI MO.X V. la l.o.. Ve milE WEDDING GIFT; or, a Devotional JL Manual for tb Married, or tbo intendlndo Marry. By WILLIAM EilWAKD HkVOATE, A.

irlnjWoa, 8 PauTa chiircjl yard. and Waurr.rplax llllrTORY of t'ae bALINK TRh'ATMEXT CUOLKRA Juat publl bed, prior 3a. C1H0LERA and its CURES an Historical Sirt h. a ith Mrteorolotr al aal other Table By J. STEVEN SOS HI'S HM A.

I At Wm. Orr and Co ratcm' UT Thi. lyj to iMiuUVbed. one aol. email fo.

THE LIFE of EBENEZER ELLIOTT, the Corn Law Khymer. Edid by bto aon ln la. JOHN WAT I NS. Indodtn4 hi. prirau mUence from authentic aourcea.

a.i able to the editor only. London, John Mortimer, publlahcr, ri Noa readr. aeaai 1 edllaHi. Km. cloth, ITloe BEREAN's STRICTURES on a MANU rr.IPT.

entitled the Punl.hir.ent of the Wicked F.ferla tiM. and Irlorue.heta a Waned. Analn Ian, Baktenan. an Herein, on the Ihvtrineid Kndlraa l'unl hment. London, II.

K. latals, li, tlower etrert rr nh. Tbcri'liLIO IltALTH a MB LIT ifrT 1 u. uUi hr Is EPORTof the METROPOLITAN SANITARY ready at all the llhrartea, 3 tola, C1APTAIN HKRVKY's TEN YEARS in INDIA or. the Life of a Younf Officer.

1 Tbe Xe The Mirera Sjcrrt 3 Tola. rk of reuius ai.d on a Wen aiU be. read a aecond and a third time." radaid. Shnl.Tl. publUhcr, SO.

QrtH MarTborourh Second edition, Ve 3a. bound, AN EPITOME of ENGLISH GRAMMAR, cal iLatrd to facilitate tbe atudr of tbe Knrlko lauuaf r. aith Quea tlon. f.Y at tbe end each dlrWoa t.vether aith an Apiamdlt. rontalntoc Kier 'icc In Paiatnc, deaiened for the rla rof kanHT.

Hy J. RKXI'ORP. London, ChArUa H. Law, Ul. rTeetlnt.

and all bookvllera liORll AM KXtTKR. THE G0RI1AM CASE complete the fourth Qi' acb cUrTtH, hv yZ, rW 3 n3f Friiar eon tAirj'rj AnrrrrnU an i Ju Uti ti Trrn In the iViy OirvcU. te vurt Vn' Bench, 0ltimvin llcJa tteb. vr, Art he wUhlke Bt irxvl Pnrta rtt, LoncHjn, linU Cbureh xo Hut (idvxet(e office, 342, 8utvi. A eopT tttt tor rrtrittca.

SALK of SILKS, Lincndrapery, to. To be lawllT. on tb trimt ai, 15. Srw It.rM lrfM th STOCK of th old mnS H1 ktvri flrmfrf OKOROK MKRI50T0X ini Co.t mct'Tn, ItrMAdnH r.tvist luHenljier. Th UtenlMm ot the unhGHj.tiertr (Q iTT.

iM iifairc ax urn. is mjTBjr airactn um aiaTr ai nf im rr m1 0UirTtor Mw Uua of Tuikl4e mfb.W. onmiwiiiiii. fit errry noveltjr In fVic. dtr Ltt.

hixi maitt'aT, mntctl frr frm til urtoiij, ivt. In 4t9 of Um lv prices qwAi fuot, em Uln'n; iiniiilae but what renalnt ftai ctd. Go fetotot. A Urn i H'af and farfui1. miWlns faM rolo if, at 2.

th 4nm Frrtw4i ditto, nortJ ftdnt de lit. Vl. per kri.XisaAl trier IX anl 1U a fraat rarlety of th mrt chj nnlB2 and cwtlf forwarn rn worU i aL. 1.04 tx rrd aa oa crvbtdmlnc mm Mr4vna fkkftoiitti laauvira nd blMAiftKiii. and iVi.

1, vo we artMM; boauuriu 4fca. rti rPD. uine. ani otiMr tew faVrrta, vluatataj frr tWJo wear, at th nva wTrrnl bundril mi la np rw ith 3, 4. or 5 in tctluraad i4 i iIIvon, at IK JH 1.V eWnt rt tri'lrTtrd rnntltn rw, at T.

M. and 13. Ililtfal wntkvi Um dir (U iVh tlminrd ditto, wjr rIWt, IK "flk" Rich and hnlorne Knry tl tn ir vt taHf k.vau 2i 3 culaot th lrm, win he at 1 and lld. iar rard huxdr droa tjnzhi (tnanU. Tcry nrH an.i oMlj Mk, wHJ avoid U.

M. pvTTvd: three flnvtrrwi iTy aodj Uiv Mlts of pecuiaxr rithnw and fcrialUncT. will nld at aa. iifi. 4r ara inruaUTf wim jnrmgn aamar cninviiarHT, and olhfT vorr tilin, w.tfXh 24 ft Cviineaa the rbe, at 3n.

lljd. yrl fktdrtit I4av 4tk ic our. 1 2. Si. rich blarlt dneaio ditto, 1 Haiht Uut uUntttu ditto.

1 1U Ct; rich Mark wtrel ilk diuo, 3 3. 6 1. HhawU. ThU mivn' itnrk nf lone Ur Vo U. fuUsiie.

rich and iiv tarb do 4iT. he 41 at 11. JJ. an 1 I'm. M.

ecb the new hroehc tcphrr harce abawX a beautifail ftpb irve ra. TH, cot inline wiu ne aH'i at iiml; toe ratair? ani fofwtkn wore fenijre iliawU. worth two ti four a at id and onvr i'nwa. (Tuk and Mtle, The tck of rkh rUV Mt.k. nitre, and wttn mantre, and i rkrt thi' itrnv.

In nrrfe tlon. wMl r.14 at 14. 17a, 6d and XI. rlndtd oprn Hnrk. emirrarinfr the latont nofeKion and nftprorrmeotei, linei ti.r ttn allk.

qiillte J. and far0)onhl tmmed. at CI fiL'Al. bmntlf ul Vvc uitl ia hUck or white, at lU. 10 rtehlf workt miatlf ralnc if 12 Varloi laoe and worked mo lla aJeevc.

i'cTio qualify. If. iJ. rmr mlr. Ral llobiton raTk.

fkl. Bmiitiful rkei ro lia alUrt co 4 3. 6J at It tUd. Ileal kid ttoroa. W.

tke bet raru 'Uito, per or ia. i'x pr paur. usu wvifrfai hiw. fine qu M. ner Vt.

LltietilnperT and llewrhold De rvtmenta louhle dairjuk tabledottu, line, rood, and habdmHre. to elaiht vr 4 U. t0. oach djt'o, to dine 14. 7a 4M to dine C3 ti tapWbdid Ianark fih BAiakln.

lid. prri; double darnak breakfaM ditt, Tery fine, rit'to J'Uo dirui nitpklns rrivO 4SeaNtiful. 13. tM. Stout Ham(ey K'tin.

fall w1th. 7. 1L jft rair ttiuo. ttitto. flae pare berapt cWh.

aiwl eitra wil'Ji. 13 ld per Pir TIHtM dtvter and tnife rlotbs U. UL per tkcn. F.r tett iid cUm dotha. 4 W.

pt ucn CH 'UC hw kvack towajUiru, 6m, 9d. er dosen. The Bv.i. Badm mcaira iurr, rU. iM.

per doc. norrnck' pure India loBtclothi. 13. and w. the ptara of 49 yarda.

lyarre i umrner Jus! ntuit. rrrr hanlome. lit tM. eacll Tint aartertdlilpeia, U. ild.

the pW of rvqnnre. Himmer fr rded rtt'cmt, Tcry fine anlwid I 4 id. KinfnmrriehtdktTchk'h, '4. W. ier dot.

Gentve Mcrlnj ton mi 1 Co 154. Vcw Bond reH. ttiTxod tiflid r4 nm i i VVa', in, rw. Mry av. prTa.

ia i an cT. Ai BOM.iTe lrrweM4rri, bfuf BK tT. aI CkrT i Mr. Advewntt, inih. and paZ Driw by Ka9rrtr.

rcAna'vnurrra. .1 1 xoi 1. rnhiU Pampfct. wuh kvi. the aanitiL.ri jf twu r.

wo yurfyBX an 1 tM dnwinr aod wm of w'ch 1m truU wiiiT, fTttit, aoj 1 ATt.tir aU tcV aniiteUI trHi pVU tM baJ rvui; ay T. forwaHed iwaHw f. biiia. fj. Stor ir IwWOforl a)uare av1 ada by Mavrv re.

Xrrrtck. 3m44Utit acj ef aj trrd. i niDMfi im tit the kinflwii. puue ititlabei oan nartinnoiiwa, ipbM. fuiun, kp.

ftrrmlaU tdither the nv 4 rrifiirlu ihaCLTf 1 'nen rih7rS" SUPERIOR PI ANO'l'mTES, at cotKi hand.all l.v BrcrVlworal A Ine loned Patent Qraad. arltb metaHle Plate. i ocurea, reuetltlon tooch. At. la bandaome caa.

prlee AS rv. a nani iatiafa, ana tie extra keja to il. aaa Terr aear ly new, (a a laoioea. iuu vn. a.

(SECOND HAND SILVER SPOONS and FORKS met T. TilLtfa'Z SrCU I Ta ditto a. frn dC. Aa led hy or a ro, the Harl a.l.a Aa elet aeairtment of ae piano. oeacty ovpnalu St.

hurch JD al ed be Her vr ta aal IL R. II. Prjace lrt T3 R0A WOOD and other PIANOFORTES, gjILVER PLATE.Newand SecoriT5ril. T.C0X rr rrnnmetitarie TraiiLai4 uito Pr or PLii til in uv I nKir iti Of tef. rtl Set.

AnavK In Ettlish. Sifimn. Irv Prraa. an he the Ten Tiou tie lir a Xenntdwnbr K. Sia liuaii llm Ju nubHanrd.

SALT its Hurtful Effects on the Bod and MtP.d of Mvuandon Anlmab; lt Tndcary to Came IHavirni, rape rially Cji aa taiubt by the Ancient ryptiin Phll'pbera. In aocordanceaith the Author. Kliwrienee By ROBERT IIOWAltll il." Well worthy of a ntl We doubt not that Ir. Ha arJ aill makemany "airert." Brxi.h and Foreign MeI Chlr. Krr.

London. W. and T. Pljajr. li.

Palerno4er row. and all bootaillera. IaUiri eT.da aiuaUfoli contalnlnc 4a) cioHily printed lava ea. witli and Ka. i ric AI or the TarUuient aeiaarately.

BOBBINS HVANUKIaltJAL Si.0rslS; an elairate immentarr 11 the lloiy lliole, with the rear TORD's EUREKA SHIRTS, the very best qua 1 lily, ait and Ford'a Jlurcla Snlrt Collar, for once or rmnd rnraU. Tbe ca ennatrttction. and the many a lranlaffo. tbe itiaeotlon pomeaa felly to be known to be anf ria'r Era. Prie Ua.

M. per duten, Ono of there hrauOfutly flttinccolUra, laa aamplej wttatha imtvored fvtenlnf, aent port free on rt.i1t of 14 aUmjav Richard rord, IM. Stranjt rLKMOVr's "cheap OLOVK, Handkerchjef, Shirt. Carpet Pax. and Cmtfittlnf WAREUOCSE.

m. Klnj lUiam treet. city. Shin, all f. ditto.

aery heat. 33a. Uia nlara. 4a. to 7.

6.L per doieu kid and other rtore. ad. to i.6d la to 9a. ed. carpel raua.

2a. to lat lemow a paUrfoi, ornce, irarden. fi.hlaa. frock, and dreaa eou. trTuaera.

reata, an under dotlunc. at a aarliax of 40 per oent, Obaerrejio credit klren Roliert Cicmow. No SO. flHE lightest article producei, entireljr of fine wool ia nvtw conTerted into that nniTaraal and oreowilns ear w.rrt. well known a II0LYLANl'a renowned REAt'FORT.

The oo.v. adarcd for rrcrv rairpoae. ri'linr, ndi'sz. jaunllnr, arc to durrd at tb price of i4 1 11a. 3 Ja.

UoljJ'a, ISO, Mtrand, tac daira wet of Soiuefaet bmraa. OURNING. The TWO GUINEA DRKSS COAT, tbe Oulnr Black Troaaeri. and the Half nlnea WaK coat. ma.le to order br H.

BENJAMIN. J4. Oua lrant. Kr nl and 3. Haytnarkct, for quality, at.le.

and aorkmanrblp canaid he aviuiUcI by anr bouae la London. N.B The Benjamin orcr or under cwit. price ran only be obtained at the aboTe eatahllahman'. Mi BERDOE's superior LIGHT OVER COATS, StuadlM Ja kata. aad Mornliu: Coal.

Tkeae atll la ian rar menta claim the attention of tboae aho arawadatai a genuine and re api clable article, at tbe loaeat for aueh. and aho rei.tdUte mere clap trap leetendona and alamade cooda. Kaerr k'annent uia.le on the prernirtai. aad If required, thoroughly tmnrn loua to rain, price toftia. a Tcry nrge aanrk to aojert rrom.

to be na in London i4. tohr BrtH.o.Kl al Inmynu by c1 uiakm. artenuare tbe Dnoa. aaiahu. and naitera.

nf aea and ateon irotaxi; upward. TOM area II.TIIL1B.VIMUMUIU ware ah. ao.1 fork, aear aal anneal haad a a ror7 I ri t'doo'irld. e. A warranty rice waltm.

oUuaal fo.l.. Ulk d.w i.i a white mewl PreiiradocJ. br Mr. tl.aard. aurtaoa dmtari.

IT. Oeoria atrret. rtren. Otllnrtrunaait. taken In eidtan.

of Inatrumenu and f.rka. watcAea. iocJia. uvliV rill rajokebaina. aaljraei Tersaar.

aho eiH aj 1 It Into the eou7 free hj prat Sold bf Ptlr ana aa. im a ua ain aareea. unowa artm. x. Cot MTorr aal i KTaa d.wr froin Grace Ratr et.

anvr. IV), aal iliaui.fl.l!.rlM; 1 PIANOFORTES TUNED, no chaiye foraevatrlom J. HARRISON and Co with 3) yean' eine nenoo la tb proraaion. TI Jli riANOrORTEJ. or erery deacrp Una.

each. anl. by their perfeat ayatem. alwara enrarc aaltdvti.Hi, Inrururila repaired and i oa hire. J.

Ilarriann aad 1. War. wick court. Ho.bofn, and 14. Park atreet, Ceatajiry.aiuare.

noWlklyi SrCCEDANEWM for atoniuu daeared loach, boaeeer lanr tb earHy. It la placed la tke baah la a eafl at. wttNaat any I raja are or pralx anlaaan racoraea aa bard aa tb eoavaaa.aad "Ul re nt in aaaa ro uir yvara, lawrieruaS rr wa ana. i n.r. anna toe or oecar.

va peraaa aa ua Ikam te Prvr T3ARL0W's PIANOFORTE INSULATORS. by which Infvrlnr ar. 4 weak trtvt.i l4runxnt artj lmi TOTtr I tn fwne. wfcllt to ib. of tlnVRtU maker they are applied with tTtat adrxiiUtre, they axe tbe nvAn a rrfcrt ribntion.

a de Itiai tw tweetMM of tone, with au rh Ui eM i rmcT and tnllUrinr a on a oantd to tbe tUaleninr( tiTort of wbit'h tunA be uerfiiliy orerar.e them. PrW the aet. Jatoe Bari'iw. iDteaU and manufarturvr, 14, KlnT WlUiariiHi OrH M. aiin bu.e.

DEBAINr's HARMONIUMS, price 4iiWs arhh the fuC ciiBiaaaa, 12 atopx. The ahore, ia wctl aa the ImproTc ItMrnmcnta with laanoforU touch, and alao tin miniature barmonlum. a aniall aad elosant Inrumcnt, which may bo uaed aeiov rately or with tie 4anofxte. prio, 1. ruinraa.

mar heart dailr. nm 3 tin o'clock at Meaara. II EATST0 patenteea of the concertina. Conduit atreet, Hanorer autre. IDKNITUkK.

SA1ITIJ, SON, an i Co" 15, TfT, Jt, AlMoivbo te. PIjoIIco. cti illy InrUe the 04 riIUf, fTyniry, arvl fmiH.5 Ut their larre bTOCK of utnT CABl.N'KT FrRXITCRK, lbi.VIe utAoUery, cirpeta, and ieMtnf rauufured by flrt rate wwrtmeo The rk of W49U. rBvt.ed furnltnre belnc marked in pUio fljurw, Tttier ru tnAkc thetr nva artta itei, and will be erased to tuHiy themelei at on. half the taw'ial irlne.

Tb tikA hy aumtloii. bllahed 37 Tmr. KHlmatet flTon mte'toajdy. N.B. The proprft'n hef to 47111 nttettUa te tbe fact Uht tbU itublhmci.t il of tbe anrert In Londn lilUKMTUUK and BKDPING.

JAS. HULD BE2tr STOCK the lariat, chenpct, and btt Jfted, er pnIn every artlce In dnwinf room, daiiiBi modi, Ufrry, an2 lei rv)rrj fjrolturo. beddlnit, oay ehitr, kc ani at per. feddy a4aunaiuic fr tmich 'i ertT ooLt. The ctck of eny ch ur cry CV 3141) erery kliape an4 rarkrtr, tboee with ban Urre mxfnzij (raTnt.ttiTtrre I laaUr, raryini and erv ar? quli 5 a noreity, an 1 50 er cut.

teapertbaa at any other booae. A dininc rnjaB chair, ouTero 14i fid. trery other tiedat rlp. tion of criaifo kept tn qiuuiuuoa at equally nducii pnew. KTery article marked in pUIn fiiruro.

and no fh painouuiiry orljrv Ja. Iluirwrt, lol, ltrand. Dear rt aC vhr uhvJ 3U ymrm, V.K Ir. Utf itU. 14.

EUKXITURE, Carptta, and Bedding. See our new Ilook of with de4tvL, which may he lai zr'Jt free, nhowinx thi prke of cab arurie. the e.t of furnlhn.jf a et karat) tonm aad a whole hoi e. ety article turkel la plaui a.rnre. firvSpoti'liac with the book of prloe, and ottare I la Btirrre ru how rr4, vaajkntafl tKvanod aa well made.

JTitf BKLV flTKAli5, with oeMlin, a vl cutnalo of it Jret doa rn, flse 1. nady fr leuTerr, 4rvAi jmi! of ravKtirany Iijoj i tk, Arauaa. iTUifi in. Krcrvch, and irno. uay be aceo at the ltiDOrrt eMaUtahmettt, whTrt purrija.tcaii rse utetr taol aal nuureuoi made on tbe premier'.

pnrLc mattr vr on an tm rTr1 itHiv4o1s. and Iroo heidatevd. at aa Imni4 Tipe iiatrtion A A. ARXOIT and div, upholtenrB aad eabtoct hfrU'o, fire door froro hloane treec, KuMbtai1 le, and at tl and 7, t1ou trjct Cmntry r1irr carTiwe free. I.v marfie waahrUodwaiarayaotj Ttww, Aote Ca4caVve.

TO PERSONS FURNISHING to whom ready ea 1. an ahjeek Rearctahl part ea furnbhinf rood refcrernv can hcaipplied with rood and warranted eaUre new ejtem. at the rat of 3 por week for erery CKM no leaa tract takrn than for fA Applr, port paid, itulnr real nam and a ldrewa, to li. ear nf oonanaoa, atationrr. urrrp nunoraraxe at.

TjlLKINGTON and Patentee? of 'the Electro oa bU aeaoaxi caf vlherivn, wwt arriiu or wire. Tki roa I JV Plat. Maaafarawtaf IBaer mHk te her npl. thod iuire the eilra tioo of any teeth ro.a. orany iaia fuile to sail atumaio to their rtrb.fim r.t.

Recentaarl. ful oi aio atrai. Gaanre treat, llan er jaara. At bona 1 atrret rrmiln. iro .1 ai.i a TKTCALFK and Cos NEW PATTERN a.VTiXTlI Bil SIl and SM YRS A PiNlKS.

TW katl trnk MocaSrate atrrei, London, aiad maatifacVTy NeaheH atrret. nam at ettner or wrrcn their own (4artioaa. offer ao a iaaranta for the naaonfartur onleaa aaen arrlrli, perf lv bitWy otto, of aear illa tftoroncuy Into tsa hear their patent mart, ni anT Co. nn.ler a er. a.

rna. Vaira nerrr hre.n i.ei. la. Penittarly peoetra balia Ira wl rart. aad price, arat free be Jv.

Re.pne aa i rlain aa nauai. bru bar, artb INe drVaa n.lhla Raa brlatlea, whica aj not i VoTT r.r... 1 a ftea like eoro non Hair: imoroaed cinbea bn alL, that rtex i barrn 13 LATE ROOMS, for the choice of Silver and MylaoarVr4tbum. vn Va an.1 immeaae work I SrWBeH Plate. Inr'n hnr the rv pvtmv.

of airrer.taoa and of retwlue aaaacbol Srnrraa ajart. At BIXliLAT. laifir tea and ovrtfee arrrioea, of a hieh there are So ditrcrer.t an. I only tNant. Uu Otford aUaea, on door roe pattern atlrrr wartera.

and an extrnat Iwtloa of ah er moonte.1 Hoilerret liatta. Beware tb aor.1 "frana Matcavf pVtted from tbe lateat comnrj inr erery article rrul ite fcbiraed by an bvioaea. Metcalf a Alkalin Tfah otVT. per boa.

SSSJi ZZJSZTZZZm'SZ COLOGNE. 10 per case of six bottles. tl.e to the purcnaac of or Uatc. iua la aprJioU'ii, I II. MREIPKNRACn raw.

to aoran lb aobility and (entry or: will he aent Into the country, free of Uie. in an eT tea pud that a baa now an hand a 4 a.ja or of tb rrntva KAl Iciarr A. B. SAVORY and SONS, radamitlw. 14.

Conhlll. ol. ll COLOJNE. aMrUberoatinoeat aupply ta. per books.

loa, a raa INe Bank of Kmrland. of II BrerleiiNacb. sn Park auvet, liroareaioeajuaia. daat' ler by r. ajr.

aop.tnint to lltr Majaaty. Prlnc Albert, aad tb Dueheai Kant. C.KND EIGHT POsTAGK AMP. fra sample iinvvv tea spoon watson. hruif.ii alb ATA platiL or CLEAVER olct.ritei HON SOAPi 14 for aa plated one.

with which will be aent ha Ulaaraud cntalorue. Per Doren. Table Spoon and Fork Peaaert ditto Tea Spoon Albala Plate. IFid ile I Threaded loa Ad 3K 1 1I I 2 El. lro Plate Fid fje.

I Threvie.1 14a. 3fta. balance nandlea lablca. lai draeert. 14a.

carr ha. KL balance, beat and Urre made, tahlea. 5a. diaaert. 14i.

rarrera. Pa; tea traya. Ti. 1. the aet of thrve, up to io japaa ea traT.

i a. roe aet oi tnr; a nre ooan oronae tea an, aaetof rii London maoe uri coTera. lai. gj. out of one pisee.

SJa. Sd Merchanu treat .1 liberal: y. varikMav ir A a i a ataoTT. 41 and T. Ilarracaa.

GREAT SALE ef PLATE, Watche, Gold nxt Terr.iba i. pot. and J.Wellery, for thro, ka ooly WM. OTH RAX hce ti Inform frien and the qhae tat In Hi uenre brio oUik'ed to make eitefiwive alteram. In bin armilM.

I'vvet4l atrect, 0rrttarwt, be dtMinInd KLI ttrr. Ttixnllcm of cn the whole his fTO('K PLATE. not dtrtiWd aUmr. tvmpvX of tlW very flneavt fro aad crej ar UUAr, at4 a aa and Uirir i at inttjiu tStf 1 the rVw with hmH thiiw i pk tt aarj Jiia.ale for haniu. To be bal at tbe mufairUrry, 1.4.

IWl liv vure, UoiborB aad erery Tender of ajvrr 'h tn the rtt kixi ui. rilllE MEDICATED CREAM SOlFu one of JL tb moat aal 4 adliUoB to UMtoilaA. It rrrooaaa blotch. aenUay and th akta farmd rrpatiT a 1 lerke? ta eaai tada rai aa aay coarneaiea, aad ouhl lj Ne ketd la eaery farfrjf. aa it urea ar a.

nultlfanoava. bold at tb depot, SI'. anl tatnuy pot, lire eaerr cbrmirk or Uaakaeller. Uvroua niBctr ln v.

Ui. 5 fQlft: i tftalI Aciil lniavn (y tb com'plexioa a ant adtrcr I may apT3raucA. aiaranrry laraluaN. Itdari lrcatr.1 Hberaliy. aa I preaeau mtaoeoo eru 4aia.

Tbla aoap aill be ferny rilHK IIUJIAX HAIR. ROWLAND MACAS JL SAU OIL la tartly renowned throukboat the wort! forttare markal atrtuea in rrrarwhiibr. piaau na. and heaatifln lb human har. Ita eoeratlon tn caara baMnraa ta lecaBarry ao that In akj'jM rr.ii inatancr aVrcia atner rrm.loa ha be i tried la rats.

Roalanda Maaaaar Oil ha aaperarled tb ornameau. ef art. by arrcv in a anLleU rratorathwi of brautlf hair Ia th errata, of ahakrra. jewelled In 1) bcUa. .5 eaci 7 1W f.v hi.vM jewelled roar boloa, XI lai.

eacn Vajpertor atrair irrcr aat tea. chara ed. T. aoi4 confiadon. be baa arrarre 1 them In lota priom, aa under AO flat watchea.

jcwelle.1 In fo ir 3 I V. each I iw anpenor aiuo. ditto, nirnjy nniaivM. i iaa. rv aounn wej Soihl rd.1 lerera.

Jewelled. Ai. 1 M. each; So tL'. fol.1 uuaiy nnirnea.

warn arrai auuei. centre acrvn an a oiaer hraa oal La i aml watchea a inall. ehaao an aolld o. ani4 mar I chajrit Si lochee loo. I "V7 PPO 'd an a orfUy taala aV arn 1 each 1S9 fa htooable ditto Albert chain, anl 1 la.

The riVji: eoaMe that alae. llaatM. ina th wrapwr tbe rmnlne article ar tbeae word, tn tao One. Row Lanr. Macaaaar OIL Tbe earn ar ararraaed on tb back of tb arv; l'1 PTi aalrefciencta.

and reflection, for family reviliw. Thi. work eontaata at M. New Bond and m. OmhlU.

only. SUPERIOR CABINET FURNITURE, Bwidinjf, and Carpet. HOWITT aad Co. bef to call tin attenllon of partle ruruiriiiiiv and tn pumie in (enerai to tnetr iuieuuaii4 and eitonalee STOCK of CABINET L'unaLaien. Caraeta.

and Beddlnr, auluble for erery claaa of reaidano. at iirloc follr vn third lea than Una oaually ciiarreil. whf ie erery artld I warraatad and exoltaaa ed if hot Alao a sidendid aaarttnnt moalin eurtaln. cbiatzea, aad daioark. of erery ahade of colour.

Book af prloea, wnh cnlniatea, aent gratia. Albton bouee, 237., 221, aad Z39 lllrh doaea from Utile gueenatroet, lavlin. to Unouin'a. imFDeala. Country earnare free mirbSE ABOUT to MARRY should obtain JL the of erery I'ommentary KcTloudy taiMlahed and.

on all theniott dim. alt paaaairea, the oteM m. of the m.t eminent Mrines of all ara riren at fecrtb and critically examined. Br4he Rer INOK AM COBB1N, A.M.

London, O. BcrjTT, and en order of ail Cirua' Expe lltlon 1 liroeka, tran lated 4.. lid. el th. f'ahlo Pha.drua.''ttriaeJ Etiili lor the t'ae of laram A'OanMi Liberu Fkraabe ad eiUonem Schwabil.

lENCINE OLD PORT, bottle! in Oporto, the a If i iroilurtlon .4 wmie of ue fine touintaa of the Alt Iiouro, In Thi the bich crre ri'la "aclly I ewolonc, tao. and three dorrna. and mr Inrlu from jla. I arrwh I to 4 tbe d.T n. rWd by LAWI.KY and PoOOI'K.

Wti.e and pirit aa ImiT.ed Edition MrrTLLIAM TATE' AR1TI1MK. M.rcbanta. A. if.wd Tncrof Hcrwicktrect. Ti accia danre aith tbe preaent Mobctary of tlas World, i aiiiina't1 A Tairdat tt i neau.

u.und 1IIAMI AON a Ai at duty paid, or in fllATK'a COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC. And bond. In d.eondtu.. Burrundy. 4.

and 4. attrieaarnetimenow fii taiV.t.b.d, MANY word have assumed the use of the Tai "a Ker tn Ct mriier ta! Arthntetir Price 1. A w. ecilcn', The Timw. a rare'ul examl 1 ji.

Tab Antht etK i it wiixtTior to aJ olLcr publt. Um fttc. rne eiaw." ACia. KiiLrti Wira, 11. Koyal Kiatk7e, and LondTnian and Co.

A Uj tiMMKRClALlLKTTKBwlor" YOLTlirni trU.m. it. nat I run. ljme, buund tn chui, jrKe b. TH.AL MERCANTILE C0RRESP0N a ctikon moni Idrtr nf Ilu4i with Nolo er.

aa ei, j.r,atrrry. an A t.i yrX In Jci and an tj. ar ru.i Idok, AflrvAiht P4i. itlil of Ld, and lUllf Lxrlax i an Ki.4a.irf tlwOCT te th jit. ctuii' ith a inicicUture Technicaiitie.

be in aoj By W. A 'hRdiiX. Loud'A. Ki. iiJiUrt ,4 Mcaar Lrittucnian l'oar 4 dition.

II. bmal, rTWIE ART of Fcrmentinz, and JL Kakirnr Malt vauinint tnny trel anl am rored TaM of ww i II tnUi tm liireti'rt howto I iTf. tout, VorUrf i riv'Aa tbe rouit if yea' irrartice By JOHN Ll AirCb if lirt jf. raUbed Li Jamoi Ilh. fa A ran: llLAl'tR In MTiT 4w elrAh: rl IV I fine (iTd iuc CoU R't, Cm white IKriulUdjc, 73.

fine ai wklin; Cunnn Atreet, city AjrenU to (J. LaWafuct ant. Soil, broady inwhruit. No charfre for bottle or rackase. (V TAWNV I0RTf 1J4, per dvta.

LK0N FAMIVani 31. 0nrrVr w. Tower Vm. hatitie wired tbe remainder of a quinta of tbU line oil WINE. ca'I the attfitrfn of tbeir fnmd to the ame tt 1 pure, unMended.

ao drawn (rotu the wootl. poaiawx; all the 1 bouquet id uled Port. N.B. Pure from tret de ItonUra, 27... 3i and eieellent dinner hherry.33L 7IXK BARGAINS Marsala, at 18s.

per diren Pun, SK tt doten diti iupcrl tr Tintve. at 54. per doren ffld Mrrrry, at 21 and 3W i er reri and mi erlnr ddiaAi; i aV rry, at vt. doitn UHtle and hamj 1., trr diirn. or to be returoel.

Al a few doien of Laubenhetra Hock, TiLte 1C4, a wine of tuaaViiniexcriWnc liunue boucbe. at 17 Kt aZt f4nU 64. er doaen AdlroM to the ai.lrT MAX and (V 3. Lower area, Iluncerfnrd market. HINTS on COTTAGE ARCHITECTURE; Viiu a fVr ti' of Iaom ar LaV.urera' Cotba e.

aUotly. In ravr. v. all lmatea Kyllk.VRY WV.R ar tivrv Tra. in tbe ban la of erery aery auiare paat aa4 rrcry ajntry equtre.

jx Lud Henry K. WaUInr atrec aud TT EDGES and BUTLER, Wine Merchants, ac, aVX. 1. Ilceetit reet (Mlden SHERRY, 30a. a.

d.vrcn, ta nor 31.. of and full ftaronr. hUbly afiprored Amontillado Shrrry ia de'icale pale dry wine for fi. and old Pa from flr rate 30. nd 4c.

tne old faahlene.1 dry Port, Hock and Melle. 3 n. to anarklt ditto. to St. Julien Claret.

ZM. Bet rro wth Claret. a 4a and 6)a. an.1 Sautcrne. U.

to M. aaarklin4 fbampan, 4'i T. rent, 24.. and K. Old Carnac brandy, ria.

per dotcn. Uaraachlno, cherry brandy, and other foreirn liqueur. 5. Lnda ate hill, rem'ad purchaaer. that theira la the only eauhluhtncnt anere tne oft rarenc are xnainame at me ioaet.a aie 01 pnee.

ana hr enarrtrm huhrra Intrarfuord br which rentiemen mareonfloe their inrchare. to the exact quantity required for a arment, and be re 01 me quality and ralueol naa Diatamai a naea price I ciiarei maklnr nr. tbua. for a caat 11 tarda of auper clolh. 11 1 rr ard.

fo dllera.4 ud Henn 22. Buirerow. 1 If A V.I XV WINK EST A HI.ISI I KXT. 5.T. 1 mxvntX ct.

1 la, makiuf anduimmlnf. compIeU 2 la for iy nSer dai I ar 7 v.i. ZZ i I TO" 1 of a yar. of keraeymere. it ed per yari.

material coat nhiJ ir Jrlli. ir.Ih.. e1amrBa irjhloJa.i. I Iiada. 3 str ii l.

lili tratel. t. rul U.41. bleb character, but ar mod Uiht wine adapted for thi aeaann of lb a .1 ij I T. (J ILBKKT on.

a much LESS PAINFUL MODE Clw. Seju dojca Ilk. and rUraac. comtdcu Td complete. 111 2,4.

TEETH, om. en aasile, 3. pn d.nea i parkBiw hampaaTie. 4. per d.

Our rvalr ma lcatock like larrct In Londonl embrjeo. eTorithln that aalaV tbt ja canipai la frii iuiu. i i ltb a Mcral oil' wtnm amonsn ana rapitiiaod ran command Saxonr dreai eoata, la. d.l.iili. W.

then i. aaadaurerid lerai. in t. 4b anj afhemnrrWe the "uni aaja. upvo uie rr.

r. ui aaae. Saiony. 3. to frock o.ta J.

eitra: Mxonr llama i utractwi rja'a ul. tb laji. .1 alL ht that a chud V' 10 ani naiw 01 a. ra uerry, on ecrea. At.

lined with ailk.Ila (thai coat can 1 worn ciiher rendenn cfalor iu.i.. rar. can cunndanllr "'a aaarra or oacr coatl alpaca coata.7. to Cbn nere. IK a.

aa.ti. 1.1 ltaal.a.n Ibr (e U.c I KE1, BARKER, andCo. I the Oxoidaii Teoat. any colour, 15a. fid.

to 30. trouacia, it Cd. Mr uiZrfiSZ. the nobility ana sentry vimi." rZ: ZtSi tZt thTi.Vmu.. frmn 11 1 mow.jl T.i, M.

tbh farourel locality are rrapemu.iy tni itiwi tnat a iki.l, ofth ae rea nrlnr naral. military. emljranU outiu, are aent to all Pa. Ka. I d.n.

ahrTebernay he availed. Si1, Picrad llr. bare oned a lancb eatbliMimcht the S. Lfc of 1 p.r of the kin.f.m fre. Samuel, BTotbcr.

29, Ln Urate bUl. 1 1.7.. nraDIira ajuueurr, aiiaoni awiiaiia vt piurjar a. 1. str IW Italoa" Medical Tim r.

t' mirrl hi. Inart.ti. d'. a here be may he an 1 reri el price 2., free by ad for 2a. HOOK of ESTIMATES, aent pota free, wber they a 01 find a l.rar rnom.

roua can 00 rumlrna lor .1 auinca; a Mx roiened houae completely and neatly for XTt) an eieht roomed bouae. with man. aaa an.1 auratantialla. lor fitu: manai of 14 ram. PALETOT, but the only patentee of tb derlrn anj i fnrnl.hej with that atrle of eieeance.

boautr. and durabilltr far which rial il c1 In tbla Incxnandre and rentlcmarJr article of dre. ara. the houae bia nlrfjlned ao a aliar of uubli taatronae. far ZM II and D.

ICOI.U merchant ciolhlera, pnlot patentee, an 1 ma ruincaa. A alnle roraD or a ainfl article at the aame moderate charrcs. pufactnrep. of rioth. who hare amenta In erery prindioJ town I a To country ra ldent all roo.1 dellrere.1 In any irt of ihe hlnra'om Ptltrd Kingdom and lu colonic Their London addrea beta Rear carriace free.

At SMITIi'a Cabinet, Bedilnt, and I'ldad ury War atrttt eat in. Beatcnt atreet, lormt a oeianment i ruoma.2, liannia pen doortot ierkcnwcu rnic court. lor paletot, at ill (in nxt nouaei. ia uernaou lor military anl dipl.iraatte unlforma No lUfnrmhea and ererr norrl or eatabliaSe.1 article of ciatirma. 120 1 eaolaairelr for boy and yautha eiothtnx.

onu oial etcetlrnce. accl at 22. ComhilL Sradmena ef all may lai aa. In each department akllful an.1 Intel.Lrant aMiatant attend, and the admitted fact, "that an article to really cheap abouM be reallr rood." la i rartlcallr malaf ned. Wholesale aoollen cbab and entrance at tf rear Cn Wanrlck atreet.

and Chance alley, la the city. II. J. and t. NlcAl.

114. lK.lH.lia. llent atreat. and 22. Cornblll.

1IIYAM and go's, new and superb MATE RI ALS for GENTLEMEN a and JUVENILE II am and merchant tailor, and manufacturi ra, Oxford rtreet, and 3ri. Oracechurch, Ixidon, announce for la uavtlon a mt choice aeioctlon of NEW OoODS. adaiaed for the ui.raer ava.n. and ahirn may be obtained ready for immediate wear, or tofneaaure In a few hour' notlc The noreltlea comieiae aTirmncr jatlKota and louneinr eiatt. dreaa, nrlont, and mornlne coat, aalat ladiea' ridlor habit, and jurmlle dothiac of the moat fbkaMe and durable dovniptioa.

Tb narmcnta of Ihe bratadie le Mrtment ua ea crcry quallfiraUon crrential to rrntlemanly attlra. The etittin dciartrrent la nnder the direction of the Brat arti't of the lay. The Immrna: trad don at tb eatablUhmenU of II ram and Cn enable them to'offer arslrloa at Tice onnaldrrablr under tbnre of other hou eia. Tbe workmanhlp I ruarantecd. the rarmenta lainit ma dc In aratrioua workahop.

L. 1 1 ram and Co. be, dlatlnctly ta atnte that Iher appa'nt no af enta, and that rooda madeJ'Tthem can only be o'tatard at Oraccriurch tract, awlfw, Oxford atreet, and at their eatahM.hmenU In tha follnwInaT toarnii Birmmirtiaio, Mascbeater, Ijverr.a.1. Ic4. Olaarow.

null, rmhlln. Brl.l. and Eaeter. SUBSTANTIAL NEW and SECOND HAND FURN1TCRE. J.

PENT and la addition to their uaual wetV 1 hare on abow, la their iiamutae nwma. aaieral houae a FURNITURE, lately laucharel from partle breaAin up their eata liahmont. eomt iaiiut ererylbiny uacful and clearaot from tbe kitchen to tbe dre win room. vniturat wbtdk arc aoine elerant wardrolaa. cbelfonlcra.

loo and dlninf tablea, hed4eada, drawinir and dinlnc room chair of find rat workuaaahia and quality alaa carpet and bed llnff of all dacrli4ion. crockery, and culinary utendla, erery day until further netloe at the Ureal We tern Fumitur Baaaar. 3 31. 32, 33. and Craeford rtreet, ali 19, I'pier treet, bryan tonaquare.

Erery article warranted, and if not approtod of will cxcliaiared or the money returneu. ONE HUNDRED MARriLK WASIISTANDS, from 1 on riew at the KBUhUlitXce Furniture Basnar. aim an Immt nM ftd rk of fiArnlture, coiru, anl bcdtaViitt our new book of etlmU Amlgt. which may be had irratie aad ptaH free, nhowlnc the price of each arttde. tbe of funO hin a ncle nom ne a bovee Kvery article i niarkeI tn plain Bimron, rofTwpondi tne oneu oi pncoi, and du uye i in aumerou www room.

Purchawrn can make a ivelaKtttHi fnra a tntpeti rtock ef cahinet fuml ture aiel ur botury. warranled well made. Country order rrtae UUl it, ana 7 tu a iiLUiAjr. KidiJL n.ijra ina apn4iiery 1 .71 1 4 iT 7 7 raTct ine 1 1 are redapetvuiiy Quurmea 1 noon eiit.Q with any other boue. or a Icy exi enttif character Ur orJ.Bry ae A wairUf weMof Hii afcoe trert that thi er avl4Mhment ha aoconneaitm with any TXJOVEL and ECONOMICAL FF.LECTINO jour CLOTHING.

8AM IEL. BROTIIEP.S. C1LEMENT GEORGE and ai, Oxford street, aikfWettiraa eaiaaia or. beldliu uanuraAairer. aad carpet MKTH0D of have the bnoour to aan MMioe to tbe noMUty and ccntry conpkte, and the the Mip4y of every article required In booe furaWhlnt; Tbir purchxo belnc for ready money they are enabled to offer (ooli of tbe be c4a quite low In ptioe a houca of inferior position and meau require for eomnvia anioo, and at leaMt 30 ptr cent, uader tlVwe who adptlbe credit tqi, every ar tkle beinf warranted, and eicianired If not aproTed.

Club onimittaeoi, hMal iiriieton, and will flo 4 thU their be tuar kct. Furniture eiclned or moderulxed kmate tf'eo fr the repair and jtotlz well a furnlhlntt of IWomi Clement Oeome and a. 33, Ox frd trot e.UbJihe.i 1 v'l FT IHE SriKXCK Of LIKE Or, How to Live and T.iany wtw Ue und the ln.e4.en of orJ3nni tdKiUiany eup A. Ijr fnr 4tb ami Ru1. for IHH Rfvrrr.

iif 1 ru vr Um, little The ITc will be the aroe a at 310, tirJJ hSSSVlS ItSiS FuiiSll' ZMJ. and eterti. i will be ite4 that the coodhUI bf rrx if a weU rwulat? 1 tir f.fe. By a PHYSICI AN "rAi, ji, tniKniirov, lu dur a tlViU a 'ttara. 53, Pu rr.o it4T Mann, xt miUM 'iT.

rj ria met with tXaakethe rablc Ut Ri It ai Ua. r. aaa. dooian ll.itel. Iarav .3 I lanvaac.

In tbe rd there Wentieai wine their entire freedom la rat. in the ah.ilectf It a do Dot encounter atrt a. 41aaa. ln

robalder the a. rk tcr auaftcend, a trToperat. aound. and uarful a perf.e in and that ia xno amtlal to humanity' a. ha.

ever and an exoaiiently ej aiei Mat a aire. ajne. of'aH war. law naara or artdilr.

N.B. waried all part, of Ike country, carriar free, and afterward on tame terma in order of lea. than three doten. Cadtx Wine Coin pane. K.St Jam rr WILLIAM PA AS.

Manager. of facta and InteUlceuot to be found tn Literary Uaaette. doth. Sr area aid e.llt rroaUy eniarred. KAL ALPACA WAISTCOATS.

4s. 1 and ia. 6.L each rerr ether deacrlptlon of clotblnc readr mad. .1 made to mramire In the firat atrle of faahton. at unprecedented loa pricea.

The iToiaTielor belroj conrtanlly In th rnanufacturlnr dMiict i frt qenlly ioVlnjei tenure pur haaea. at cooddcrahly lea than tb raiue. thu cnahllnj him to Jy bis friend and tbe public with the Kat at a mudi lower arlce than la reneratlT charred f.w aa or tne itoca wiu prore ue anor to anr city, ta R0SJEAN8 TROUSERS. Nothing can ex VT ceed the beantiful and durable quality of the material of which tb are made combined with hi extraordinary nwlo ar rutin ai'ho it the trouble of trjlnr on. and the alteraUona freqnenUr oora ptamtsl of.

haa placet! hi. ertaMWiment at the hi ad of the firat houw C1AB1NET FURNITURE, Carpets, and Bed dlmr. of raperter quality AD partle. particularly thoa, fur wM.k 1 1 Vith rr. T.

r. r. Ua.P Macaaaar rtL" Tb aarca? ar nTal tb bc of Ikt ir re.ttcTiia.hat which ar to he aold wnh the other, hy aai naiifc. a. RaJ meot of rdi.

niet rta. fro 5. wh i of ill rn. "1 TKWLETTs NEW HAIR DYE. entirely free I A.

frera awnell or any aeadjinent or dirt, a pure elear Biui l. onry re qtii intr the tine to appy tt to iye ue nair (waii an Ut IW nt wtrrct, a abore new imtterne, C. the Fir rita of hrw rJw tv t. aal eery other demotion of vahltiaNe jeenery. oUte.

and iUtM tjek. ar print? I price euWu3. bWi may bo hl by 6011104 a pM tare fltamp PROTECTION for the LADIES. Tvro Jrs' exraslenc teatifiea thai ao I air peel loa ber do Wil iry i hare tLtr lit to theoaair oewtba Ika fwaflr aird. amai tHe rn Try R.

RMTaLL. PATKNT CYLINDRICAL Mifno that It a. aUraly fre rom acaell ajvl ma.U a i4eaat perf.m BROOCH PROTECTOR Caa be aorjird to anr brooch wtta. til ta arorUL Sola at Hewlett, halrdrtnat alteration. Frrni la upward, of the principal Ac and at airewtuae Burlltwto arra.lir,diorafrom PtaeayiaUr tha man ifactory.

3S, Harh atreet, Cror'inn. Ber aok. 50. Oraat bYaaaara a aaMet, fraUln Deonport aa.1 Staaal. ncir.

I a v'c1 1 in r. nnvt a man. rfl ohnr.h and by moat raca parfumora lAroava beot NE ROW of REAL NEGLIGE CORAL, for 13 ratampe Me pair of euff tUon. any emour, for tswen atampa llTarn' irhaHal larrn. 37 tam: two tune ML7r1or muiav .1 bote.

IX M. eairh four cune 3V a modal, heating tbe mrrert bktniew of tbe UU At mUitn Vm. xmm mU meiLU for three tvni fJraale Hora een Atmpi. YAM' rftU. Iw.

Co re hi It T30HEMIAN GLASS FLOWER VASES. a i .1 tf rklTB a Jt'J I iter Mliit Iv. BA I I T'DOODa" If I i JTtnrJZi iwf i ii bo. I it tita trml fVct but the wBaa pi it take aivl for lUtheap wntry. PrVe iV.

ni AKER' SINE MANUBRIUM HAIR BRUSH, Rciterel rii w.Oont a basdl. hair plaoad obliquaiy on bru aiiawer tb tairprae of a eonib. aaaMbrub, t.a rnedinm bna.bea.and aaoftbi ia by alirbtle cbanfa(tb praltaaa of tha brirh iaaataa l.rnt.rely diAVn at. aa It aahr taaaa a uroaail the aalr a a dlHrrnt dincUoo. All If prmried perfumer, at kr naht bare or.

lered a aui. ly. anl i rnoarK it tne neat eaer maente. reai aiona ior VIEW at their London Warcboavai.44. Olforl atrcrt Alao a a aViek of a, lea plalea, the mm.

Krery decrlloa of crytal table rLava, ehandeliera, Inatre. Fn nldiirLr order. ircii ej with dtepatcb. Manufactory, Braid rtreet, Birmtnraam. KaaaVuabed la.c Th arr ouria L.

ml all enraatea JanaaaSera Ceffotnoi ly A Liberal alloea, I dreaa. Murray dree. Iloxma. UPTURES. The M0C MAIN PATENT PELL ATT and Co.

aol Id aa of tb qualrtr their work. Mr ular mar bhl. and lb troaa forwarded by oa blch will be found Terr aunenor all new taunt tne meat DeMiicid I i. a.L, MMaita actory may newed in rnur itara oi tne weea. TA INNER 8ERVICES complete, of stone china.

Alteration T. and M. RO 'attar to tn uublic their immena aba IUm laeTeat In Loolon) of dinner. Am. art.

lea. ami braakfaM aerriee alao tabl rlaaa of erery rartetr. at a (Teat red atuei. Bean Taa and pomatum put, whoiaaal laooda ahipped aad deUrand ai tbe dock free of charre. 17.

St Martin'. Lao. Chanrur eroaa, SERVICES for 12 persons, 1 pieces, mW la it foraii trra 24 wine rlaaaea, and li tunahlera, 3a. UMe and acturer. Mr WHITE, 22.

Plorjadilly MJPTURES. The PATENT SELF ADJUST IKK Mw atMrn. brruia. Tl quantitr In oond onalitf ball Lamp. In rea; rartetr.

Aa etterva.e aaaortment oi Kneliab aad foreirn rare. Acalwaya on riew. Partle firai hior may wlect frotn the nrnat extetaatr la laevion. and ffoct a ar ai of 20 perreoL At ADAMS and Cx'a. ST.

Oxford atrcat Ordera from th ntry prrenptir attended to. NO GERM AN TRl'SS. aetlnar rfi'artoally without aay eom rw mrnea led in racnitr ior tn cor aa.i reaier oi Th moat emliaent meaalaTa of tb pr deaaio are of plnioa that tile Drcc aary alty of a tru i aa rCTirieat rt a tin pwr. wflbout unoeceaaary leaar'ir oa the part alfarled. which dertr0ob)r, alone obtained ua a iraaa unenenmberad with trap.

ndral aprtxara, or pad behis.1 J. EOOao lOo sa at to Mrur any raalucib! rupture If left to tbrir manaa rroeot Manuf a. tory. 1. tncraaliuy.

TET those who require the aid of a TRUSS try 1 COLES'. PATENT, of IVarinr rrr. rr ara' hll.bed. ha. been haaaonred with tertiraonlala if ronr tbe bntheat of tb fvnltrjuvl rather, who bar vorn traa COLES'.

PATENT, of Cbarfn rrraak vara' hll.bed. for half a eatury amoeaa whom ar are Ah ehu eh. aa.1 In prtrat III, ait attcnln thrtr A laVk marht aael of Cote Patent Mr.llcate.1 forth cur of rneonaaUam. acaaUca, lumha o.

A. Viaraoe 3 rkiriiar a. A letter OB either uhict I i A pa to Ilia Lata MaieHr 'rrrr tb Third emptor naore ed loaea'i DINNER, DefSert, Breolfast, and Tea SKR tri ar. and Pt.l ta.K th. relief of Uca aad ibao YICE1.

Table OE0RlK B. SANDER, rli. IPrh I any otb. a.n a tha kaown awn. i unaj.w jubrw AI.VANIC BKIaT, pursuant to i.ana.

c.rrrierri" pratuli YkTorla. Br lb of. thi. taut aeontlnooo. eveaey of that ii.1 ahirh tn U.W climate la lb, caoaa of ail arroaa aaf frrtnr.

taklnz tn form rhenmatiatn. d.ialoureaii. dj prt llolhora. hi on tleth hwl ST'i'K In PATTERNS kcl on bar.1 for the puraoai aerric to dta 12 a tea and cirfee aerri riaat elm. tare cboic of Por celain rea and raae.

f.irrUn fLa raa anl lu trea, Ac fit forreceKam. Med room and VI ta rard French aad all foreirn Mar.erriao.'iiLr. of tbe fire: fvwte Brv. aela and tapertrr carrela, at 1. to 3.

M. irr jari he wirrante 90.0 doth. eibt rard wide, cut anr 2a. 3 L. 2a.

and 2. irl peryard. OTTOMAN CHAIR BEDSTEAD. Price XH. nhhinitdrelr.ahoaildTiaitthartlalahinentof Meaan.

STEFFK i trrarea eomulrtc, a co.ach. a earr chair, and a ulrd aaat ir anl Co, now ue iarteat In Eiotland. where rery aru.M a. i Anwint nvm ISGR manifacturin4 uptrdaterer. Cflr road.

marked la 4al O. ure. S. and Co. beiat manuacturera feBrbury.

oppote tb BunbOl Cemetery. loaly aaacn iHat oa compart'. their chanrca win be found liul mora) than half thoaJ of weat end b.oiaoa. A warranty for II nv.iUia if I TTR0V BEDSTEADS PERRY and SllVS Hcaaa, 1 toti. Brookoalreel.

aal 141 and 1U. Uolboru I ZJJl 1 'l fzLUT JZ hara oatamirnea jiyoara. T'a 7. rrr. nli andcarnentaJturrian' aoiio iroa awireaar aaea.ia.roaa.

reo.n.n chalra. Ad An Immenae STOCK In erery ranrty mar be aam at th ahore aha room for Iron an 1 brae hei rtea bM, where are may he arn ad of and wire work, rate, fonctnr. Ac. Shrpper. and the trade umJie i on the moat 'Ha ral terma.

"a trate forwarded free on aiaJHrtuon. Woraa. nia t.8el.ia. near Billon. SuT irdihira ErtatrVhed 1 aia.

hrerla. tnwneaa of atartla. 4V5. Th loreattoa, ta larfertlr el ao.1 haa rerre.l tha hlibrat arawnSatiM id medical p'ractltilaMr Tb PAPERHAN0IN0 MANU It'TjTJ'' ACTOR and General rnmiar.wir rAVaJimaet. Calert and I a ik Lav W.

P. PIli.iOTT. otl Fiour d.4h Warehoaa. ret. E.T A RCft K.R aoh rit an I nrrt.rt HloomabarT.

Ileal a alTaalrmadmualatere iaaperl.aofbiaaperlorPAPERHAXiiINUS. mvlehf hut iaente. tBTenlkina.1 fittl up on th.wail.of tbe rrr of JTaTR. EISENBERO, Stirn Chir0plt. Author, In nel.

Ae. In erery atyleof artiot arrafarrmrnt, aa I for 1 JL of" Prartiaal Eip.itl.i oflb ffa'han F. aad IH.ria erery kind of room. Ia allitioo tbe ro.a arnr.rte 1 with euperi. tj Feet, may IwrCoNSl'LTED dally from 1 till A.

at at raaa lurniture. imarked in plain (lanarealbe prl atrial at oa riew a draw deoe fx enmu oera, huLione. ealerauaa. Ae wtthout euuln or TECORATIVE YJ FA aiaalM tb aHlM.i aaln 0brr 14. taaar atr axirnar Pall mall ILI0US and LIVER AFFECTIONS.

We toiwrltbat Mr. co*ckLE'. COMPOCND ANTI a ait 1.4 baa aino a. hie. a reputatjoa a ual rrraa.

and deaeraed. Mill naaintaia their hLra puaU in lb puMie tlon. lacaaa or uvxaTeaoa am "aaaa. o. a and Hm.

In rrtiou arfeJ.av an 1 jaundice iateatinat BIUO CABINET FURNITURE, at moderate prices. Tb Imnortaat Lacreaae ma le to bl catahllrhment, enable THOMAS FOX, Bpholrterer to tbe Han, YjuX India Coonanr. to iub mlttothe public an Immenai ST0''K CABINET and PHoL STERY FCRNITl'RKand BEDDING of a qualltr, farhlon, mate rial, and workmanabip a.4 to be aurpaaanl. and offered at price rearcely cxeeedinc thoac coininonlr charged for and untib laatial furniture, ran ie requiruvr rrai'y mol artidea will find at Tboma Fox a aif.wdin unuaaal fBL ilitr f.a adrantareoua at prteea aa aa ar poaribiy compatiu mm nm raie quality, ab cxienNr a D1 TR0N BEDSTEADS and CHILDREN'S COTS. i JL A rery lanre aaaortment of there hl vl In In a bra, froro Jo 1 R.

STOLBKRG VOICE LOZENGE is ac knowledaadtnba.tnrne. after all rtar tmL far lmprorln4 th oare an 1 reraovtM aaln iartioaa of lb throat atronaly rreom meralad to l.Teyiaea. ina ator. patlie an I aU ar oiia aulaart rvtaaal throat. HarrUr aa Viae.

FarraudoiaaVeet eif arai lax. Bo ehur tiyarl tviwvda: aa 'orT' an.a. St, Paul' ch irrtrard Sanjer. an 1 Iretrlchn and llannay, OUurl rert; arl retail by ad reaprrtabl cbyrnat la lb kmloen RRITISH COLLEGE of HEALTH, Hamiltf.a 1 IIT. SYSTEM, aa pen.

l.lbrir Hiim aM. awuraiuei yaaaa ar. ai wi Tne xsm.r; which lb mrdlcln Morlaon piiaa vl In in a braaa rmrn 1 i.tae I Ite. trr of Reri.loacea to be Let ar Sold tnaa he conauOed fre of cat. I loa.

d.cto. and frorn 5" each. litlA with and nlr. 7. euaracta tath 1 aa.

ra a i of ILL I A lit and Bur 1 PuWieof It Uriencui errecta, anl tnetratnor "rr I CABINET URNITDRE. CarnetS. Curtains, and Oaf.lreet, icmer N. reet. and 1.

Newman I chrmkat or irwc la autnc tii waenaa Aa aenk 1 I iTrtvmv r. 1 aaa whirr, ar lha larreat In the w.a1 where mil aka Ken the ritr 11a. a 1 il. 11 .1 ka.rflia re Bat Ima aliai laL which la ai to tb worU. IjlKrII UhRMAN SELTZER HATER.

I cent on what la uauaUr charred for ooda of an Inferior qualltr. ETery I' UMBEand ELiJ.Min.,.f 14... New Ifcmd atreet. hare ju re WORDING'S WATERPROOFS ire the best artid. by AUmaon ai.4 Co.

taa.i under own auirmieo larit tb attentt.4. of tbe neWltty and famUre. furnbdlln to lllapect Inn and wooden be.k It haa been round, a. an a jtaryloT trnarlcAble! CURE of DR0PST of the Ulltor Tb Icr tr at.

to lb wautrr be 1. tommon Iro laaiateaa. it A lvrvi of letter from Mr. qutatte for aurwtaotlallr aad lefanuy fumiahinat throucnoot a mari ion of the firat at a aarirur of from 51 to 4tper ftnre.1 bv tb' I' TI'REfif tilP rRETHRA its PatholoCT 1 ELT.KR WATER, direct fi.nn the Xaaaa Minn. Ian OI U1C I la p.l llia.

i i be aU. rat Imi et ation. of ail Hbrr mineral aaura. on tla larat jr. Ko.ladi.Hm II k.a lrru Ihe from the rrowera' at tjeneral naary 5 Kridently tire re Uwl We hare ll doubt ni in.

eria irirui II I' old a place in tbe llle arr r. V. treat etnet 'atreet, bo. in. l.a.

ii.jii.o. of iil K. .1 a r. ir .11 Brat rate workmen, of th Terr heat materUl. and warranted fathera the balk t.

rreatlr and eonae iuenUr tbe bed ran Ud.male.. Their rnl by practical lm. trfBcer. the "A''J)tJaZil. I ,7 2 '7 rTl linz.

dcraieianre Um' anl EUr.r. 1.14... New Ikatd reeU fowiu e. ea aaaemmon Kk. and reoulrlM no dre dn keep tbtn th a lOrca.

mart lartlculary ooa.L AUinon and Cc. .0, 71. 7J. uinia, full panicuUraof wetrht, p.taj BED RIDDEN PATIENTS. HOOPER's Holiday, fanner.

Kenruna ton. near Oxford, dated December lW OLD FEATHER BEDS RE DRESSED nd "Toffi ii.Jn, PCRIFIED by eam Paten, Machinery. Tni new pre Zl UVT rea of drc tw Bot.nlrtemora.aat npur.rJer. but. the abrvrarrd afI.te.L to aiaan.

the morrrct I Medlcal arc little, 3aLE INDIA ALE and STOUT, Js. per dozen M.Moal WooD and WAfnON tk.irrr rTfll Gte. Lond I f.mrml,c.. at I rJame J. C.

azettc. ini. the laic It cn forwardel free of camal to HtrVwaa.1 tbe nature ef bia rrm p. aiet. 1 fajeorawieavle.1 a trial yoor ptiaa.

abadl adnca wa al4l nb compart tuoreai. for If tVfew belea airy he waa larrcctly cur an i la now In aaie.I health "oil 'ry a3 aad at Profeaaor IIoBoaay', tM1.b rnent. 24. fH nd of ti VRETIIRA free. 4 IX publiaha.1, prtca by po.t FEW WORDS on PERB.fF.AL SECTION, oajtiH i dod Profrvor Hrm.

for the Our of rtrtcture of anr part within mllcaof Londoaat 5a. acr doten quart, 3. Kr dozen piuta. NR An allowance made to the trade. JercLanlaand capulaa Taai'v a on Mr Wade a reoerit Remark, thereon, aa alao on bl KJ; atr.tnr aaaa In ily COl RTF.N AI v.S a 1 H.

BaiUiera, a. lU4ut rcet. Alao lately, by tlx um ti! Rati anal Treatment of Htrtrtur of the rrethrv Pri irun'. Oiraa iaja on tn La aad Abuaa of iBalramcst. "2.

Juat 1. In ro, doth boards price JOAfTS and OBSERVATIONS relative to a Mode of TREATING PROLAPSr.4. Pilta, llatula, Tunvtain. and Without Cut Una ar Ointue Ut 'natrated aith numrrnua fiaaa. Unn th Reault of Taeoty "Ilarl? 'r' of J.

VAN I1CTCHELL. Iurrwm Arvwudiwir IK. iii fa raaal tbe aork. ae can lmuely recaanmend It I bre ir rradera. fully aaladved that Mr.

Van Bulcbeli'a UleoU. a llei.t "Li iot a law to afflicted humanity." City CLu otdola. nr. merfical tnraad.

it SILVER PILE. TSEtrblh Edition, Sa 0,, alia fiana rou Caara and Plate, B. ERVATIONS on PILES, Fistula, Prolapsus, a JL" rboid! Tumovra. Rr! ture. and other Inaaaaea .4 th, nr.

il aUnr tbe rucoca 'ui practice of a iaeullarmn. of Traat g3 or CoLf aarment, lr fc 1). SILVER. M.D. tb Royal iioa 'at roniooof Encland, Ar.

iVi anner la wbleb tUa painful diaaa ara troall of. lo hrk laatimon; of many pataanU bo" ar iadchted to tadr and jrf care, lad aoa aaa a nUy iLIrrT" Ua troata to all Utna aho may. unbatipilr, rand a TJARIS HAT WAREHOUSE, fi, Strand, nearly 1 ptW otwaaite thOoUen Cr Chart at croa. A remarUMy nht, CjpLENDID CUH rKarant, an.1 durable hat mar be had at th I'aria Hat Warehouae for i eriraii BAS and to. iAbl IM11A rAlah ne chrT tliat aTanll reJuc 1 Ul Sa.

per doten quarta. 3a plnU rlinbnrrh oa. ximt obtain tb aame dewrliVtioo of bat by aen.liroj lb mK Douoiuava acrniaueioarurequirca I I 'ire 0l prrV i desCTintlOn ana ClUaiHV. fflA VZ ne. r' arait ax in waremaaai a vr aSTIC WATER CrSHION.d an MATTREiWES.

antJie ellhrr for expirtati. Clement lane, city ao.rta. irtnta 3a. 'd In oarheLa ale. 4a.

quarta. 2a. Si. laiiu IrrrU ln. table la.

r. 3a. 3d. quarta Guiuneaa and extra atout inu botUe.ll. 4.

1. quana, i. Inta luea a rate. At I'IN'DLATElt, MACEIE, and atreet, ntr.n 1. of TCRBEKVILLE.

MITO. aad Great Xarlborcaxcn rlreet. jrT, VLa rrZ in lb head. Ac Their adrantwre oaer tn enrt'y er bl I'lIRTAlV I'nrrirra. nd Tihle er.hlon are unireravliy admitted linn ar portaM ani ouraaw, afford eaa utb Ttry part reouirinr relief, and a ter thepr ruoo at bd.

At thi rtaolabmcntrerr bat I. reeiatered in lorm.rie.and JL wii Alr wmay beuaed. Tb. lfl2Sl PJ dm! ber to BA and Co, IWnat warehouaa. 6, StranA 'Z tfFlGctTS Z.

77. TJEALTII RESTORED WITHOUT MEDI IX CINI TF Iravaireadene. (C EinrTaae to tb meat BCrroaarlr la at, CJ.Te i coatinaaed. baOona. dehiutated, or aruattcrel datatttB '7.

IllV'i DELICIOT RKVALENTA ARABIC A aiHin jo of cur from Lord Ttoart 1 PeHea. tha Vcnerard Atlkleaouo Mtoart, of Roaa, MajorJlenerai Tb a na Kbul; LTa 1'rr. Harrey. and rtyrtand. an.1 other rarraoa af Ua hurhaat id 4a.

0. 11 IS. 25. i Man bridre road. Lamht tri.

inrtt tbe onhlar to mrrt aandainl auual.T mode. i PPWIITT VP ncl P. lamboared nett, brerd. and bear ik iri inriuair Imrrvred tnal 11 ldt It. 7 tKl and dered and tUled moalin and NotUnrham lac Cl'RTAINrl Tbcy bar rSfbe kDe ao aiie.

atti ot "euunnoa a. nucHetaburr, London, ante of WALK FA aroj. ann, barr purchaa. under peculiar adraatan. tb 5SrT and uniform.

A Water PATENT ELASTIC PARAMATTA aad CLOTH MO I i benenlof which Uiey are now rinr to tjawir curtwiera. bemr of arina, narrnormare 1 11CT IVflTA PAI.K Al.TJ d. iwr doipn nnart. I WM, tTTTT.TTCl: i 'a tn eon now near ru d. 1 hare aa elaarad out durlni ta Ac ab Iflaatrated pro tacto.

mt xj aw a rtaenira cnj, uo noi iret irom rain, li 12i 2. plnta. 1'V t5L nlae rallon eaaka. Sd, Aj ditto. S.

are cheap and durable. AW) of tb lmpror mm la barwihl and tbey nrnral Watamroof BaddiBf Pro LLl'and Co. Kctinlnftau caitlnue to dcllrer Xbt. dcllci.iu te ior. ahicfi la Imperrtnu to rreaar, addk or other fluid, 1 not article free any part of loan or auburba at tb ahory ica.

Extra fleeted Sy climate, and haa Bo egarta. orSe rtch auait, a anu oo; roraer. ja. Ilurton ale and Ja. dder.Sa.

and 3a 6 extra chare, for tewkluit. Tcnna earn BOOTS an SHOES MADE by STEAM rcrewa are oard matead of rtitcbea. The ole beina; Brass ekaety com 1 branch r4 tlidr eatablnhrnern. are effertnr GILT CORNICES PKa refined. Xk.

aat Otac tfecluai tumat. uiilfornu A Waterproof and hreath. arc of unrrraed tcoey. Ia bom la lai, 2. A.

a. er prat free, U. 4 1, 3a. 3d. Aa.

24. Barry aad Co. ir. New reer, Loodoa, and of til iranrra. tbymkat.

and booaa Jrra. to Ibdr aad beautiful ern, u.t Kant, i Exeter bham Ply rnrVT month Wdcou rilmrnsham Sunley and 11, jjt aiu tar. a. 1 carriar paX len Kampau uooiarr. arret, London.

G.ILT CORNICES for the DRAWING ROOM, l'if SZESaXlL renin Room, or Boudoir, male npreaaly to order, at 2a. per aaat. and SS. Oroaa foot TnOMAS PAUL and Co. narlrut rrajaiderablT erlar 1 thi jg mau aaav aaa.

w. PIN E. 3SI, and. Mm tn rnMle that taey aaaaaa Lra.tu,rbiuii rini.rruir tar nrnwaai and fold by nun. prtriudrwf a continual acrvam.

wttbout tb weneyar Introrruo Uoa of air. arh lb common tnatrameni wotd under tb 1 .1. traM by a preaere or 4 cwt, ar perrsotly walarprooi. ana ar ao roi aaaarn, at in aooae eiiraorumary low price, wnica lorroatiu a 1UI Ik 3lt tilil.a 00 to I urat a. tcoa mad on xnad prtnclpl, J.

1 aaias a rrraie a rriuoi' eaer aaown in ana oeparunena lumswuii. iku 1 IVi aa of Martin animair. ror enimiiey. rarr. ana rner rtaaaei ar in aowm ua in ai 7rTrr af water caa raoaal witnoul exertion.

Mar dotn. Tnorna I aui and laa. unouHxer ana (raotoctinaxcr, oppuait iT nTra or iriaiti a bad are be pnati. at GEORGE I I j. laut.

W.1I Knr.LL anl uo, arecnaniea.inconwqoence tateritee, traoho*rTtrret, onraer iftu a IRUNDY's IMPROVED ILirrrUand "(lj" fl'HE TORRICELLIAN SHOWER BATH. arer Jr.four.tatnl oonrey. W. rMi.alaotb.Tennr aad J2S 1 purhaeri anoxl aot deid antfl tne bar area tHi. xh laM turn of in.

Raveiv4 Mtmoaa or Flow X.Vf lildand moat perfect gilt) A a BA71L By dm ply pnntn4 a cord Tjanmxta T.fVator. nutod to rrery ivrjtT'T KM AM EL LKAtHER gianar. ii raulu. BUI rut hoarar lane. RcaTentreet.

,,0 to mmt tb nobility, renter, aad th puldL o.J Ibit bt Lai retrodurd an roUrcly tie rencee, a tl rrerauraeon or nrr dozen Quarts. M. a aaai aai Watikitr oii and 0I1.W aad at doien fiata. for eura rior LONDON jfTOLT aad INDIA th.umeUroe much chamred la lu nature aTmt to oraavdon that OUR SHILLINGS A LP Pdinlnrrn ale. Aa per doten quart.

2a. ik), per doten rain and loconTenlenr. antreraally rtrarlaav 7 Pun rir. Kerry IS. CUmparn.

Tbej boar a moHj keantlful laanrequlrlnc aarajaara.bH anil refunded a poo Uctr rurn A LrRE ti. roncbarobalr, dty. wtmc ol An Black Kail way. I aolkAai ur Ktkl, wUat WU otairaxtliat. tko Manatoa notxae.

city ITITIaVDOW vtado bitad manfaoturen, 313. Oxfi atreet. adLdnnaf JOHN DEAN IT dwwrr, hip, p.urar. rtwrartn and reaeral BLINDS. TYLOR and PACK, KAaManawtnrr.aad faralabia ironroairera.

Iiridoo heire. TAOMESTIC 8AMTAK1 niTrfva Tramra nrtirvr: ia raaarparrrrr t. y.x:!. ED PAxLatra aa a AJfiliUi Aiiaii uivuiv vii.un.ii ii taut eta try the It ii ao a fX VJ a aoa rT. IJ for aaa.

and aavlr caaaLrhth Ue of oil pai.t Forbeaaty It aeifct tn aratertrap rair. yr Ta a lftaarv. proraL. Onwaih fo a ara. a naaoeaTaqnara, Bad 3, QueeaaatraM.

Caeapdd. Loadaa. ubaBH tn kaloatH prtcaa of vrtadow biUkA. which they caa rawaaaaad a beinf aaad I th beat manor Taaetlaa bflnda. per aqtanr foot, kouand rannda.

tm roiicra. nf BUBd. ta mahoyaa uiua. baa a pra aaninaail. ftrjral la axart art amranca ef ana ent atoa.

Caa b. ono oa txaaa 'in eenaena. any oinaT puaaenrac, aaa ta waQa a. nO aa Romaa oadwnt. Ia caaka of i and 3 rat la, aad 21 caaka bvrruar.

Patent Mineral Paint, iaralaahl oaraat Uin (Taat rariatr. Trior aad Pa, ar aia p.larnaa orta roe rtaar a. Mary, and arwianaana; aot Baa UW yoatof athai palau, reeutarvd )na eaat aad maaafacaarara of aU kind of Iron aad mm arwara raady for aaa. anil kp food for yean, aad lhaun atwbad tZSZZ wJZZZvm and prie. nak.

of allad. aad tadataid. lor txir.aa I brWiaal bljdi 2a. neb brpary JL ra. fl flafl Ifcl Cn Tf afrlnrllBI lat fliawail laa traarvaaaxaraawa, LoaaVaa.

nae oaBranyaaaiad Uodonaja. rayoaruwy. 2d, jrarkoc atl aaaf ThfTa,.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.