BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (2024)



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While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates varied widely across the globe.Central Americaand theCaribbeanwere global hotspots, with countries such asEl Salvador(61.7),Honduras(41), andJamaica(56.4) posting murder rates up to 10 times higher than the global average. The South American countriesBrazil(30.8),Venezuela(49.9), andColombia(25) followed close behind. Even with the rest ofSouth AmericaandNorth Americaposting lower rates, the overall average for the Americas as a whole rose to 17.2.Africa's rate came in at 13.0, but with the major caveat that "the raw statistics for many countries are not available." Similarly,Oceaniaposted an impressive rate of 2.8, but official homicide reports "tend to deviate substantially from information on violence contained in hospital records," suggesting that many homicides may be going unreported to the police. Finally,Europe(3.0) andAsia(2.3) displayed rates of less than half the global average.Factors known to contribute to lower murder rates anddecreased crime overallinclude the wealth of a nation, the effectiveness of its law enforcement, the availability of weapons (especiallyfirearms), and the severity of punishment for committing murder. For instance,Japanis a fairly wealthy nation with very strict regulations regarding gun possession and murder is punishable by hanging.FBI Cyber Division Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Diane J. Hoskins, FAIA, NCARB Human Resources

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    The number of homicides in major American cities is falling at its quickest pace in decades followinghuge jumpsduring the pandemic.Why it matters:The nation is on track to see one of the lowest levels of violent crimes and homicides since President Obama was in office.Pollsshow crimeis a top concern ahead of the 2024 election —and it's an issue where Republicans regularly edge Democrats.But falling homicide rates could take the steam out of thecrucial GOP advantage.By the numbers:Murders declined by nearly 20% in 204 cities during the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period last year, according toAH Datalytics, a criminal justice consulting firm.At this pace, the murder rate in the U.S. could match its level in 2014 when many cities saw 30-year lows in violent crime and homicides.The big decline in homicides, as calculated by AH Datalytics, was first reported by theWall Street Journal.Zoom in:Boston has seen a massive 82% drop in homicides so far, the most of any major city in the analysis.Philadelphia currently is experiencing a 37% decline in murders and Miami is seeing a 33% fall.Houston, where crime was an issue in last year's mayoral election, is facing a 25% drop in homicides thus far.Reality check:Los Angeles and Atlanta saw noticeable jumps in homicides in the first three months of 2024compared to last year.Los Angeles is experiencing a more than 9% spike in murders, while Atlanta is seeing a 15% surge.St. Louis, Savannah, Georgia, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, also are seeing murder pace increases.Between the lines:Former President Trumpis using the fear of crime on the campaign trail and has relentlessly focused on "migrant crime" asillegal border crossingsh*t record highs.Trumptitleda Michigan campaign event "Biden's Border Bloodbath" earlier this month and warned that the country will "cease to exist" if he doesn't win in November.Zoom out:FBI data and numbers from police agencies show that crime has beensteadily decliningsince 2022.AH Datalytics calculated its data using the latest available crime numbers from local and state sources.The intrigue:Democrats are also seeing signs that they are closing the gap with the GOP among voters who say which party is better at fighting crime.AnAxios-Ipsos Latino Pollconducted in partnership with Noticias Telemundo and released this month found that Republicans had only a 4-point edge on which party was better at dealing with crime.Previous polls had them leading Democrats by double digits.Editor's note: The chart headline has been corrected to note that it is a selection of major cities, not the most populous cities.National Crime Agency (NCA) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) FBI Cyber Division U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

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    How Living Organ Transplants Work for Service Members, Vets, and Their DonorsAccording to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, there were 46,632 organ transplants across the U.S. in 2023. Out of those, 6,953 came from living donors. Nearly 104,000 people are currently on the organ transplant waiting list. Statistics from OPTN For service members, veterans, and their families, transplant services are available at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center's prestigious Organ Transplant Service. As the only certified transplant center within the Military Health System, the program is one of the oldest and most successful in the country, the program's doctors said. In 2023, it performed 55 kidney transplants.While Walter Reed's program only transplants kidneys in-house, it takes care of patients who need other kinds of transplants as well, such as liver, pancreas, heart, or lungs. Most service members and beneficiaries don't know how to navigate the complex transplant process, so they call Walter Reed for help. The doctors will refer those patients with needs, other than a kidney, to centers in its network. Walter Reed's team will either get them a transplant in the Washington, D.C., area or they'll make calls and put in referrals to get the process going at another hospital."The reason why I tend to encourage [going through Walter Reed] is because it's great for beneficiaries to keep all their care in the [military health] system," said Army Lt. Col. (Dr.) Jamie Diaz Robinson, the chief of organ transplant services and hepatobiliary and pancreas surgery at Walter Reed. "I also think it's great for … keeping us ready for training residents and the future doctors who are going to take care of veterans." shows that kidneys are, by far, the most needed organ for transplant patients."People need to understand … that living donation kidneys last the longest. They should last an average of 18 years. We have patients in at Walter Reed where they last 30 and 38 years," Robinson said.UsMilitary Welfare USDEFIB University of South Florida USINVESTMENTPROPERTYGURU, LLC

    • BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (8)
    • BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (9)
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    A Space-Based Tractor Beam for Neutral Atoms," a quantum technology project currently in the works at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is using a focused laser to trap and cool atoms to ultracold temperatures where quantum behavior is amplified as the temperature drops. Cold atoms have low momentum, and ultracold temperatures mean momentum so low that even heavy atoms begin to behave as waves of matter that can only be described by quantum mechanics. (For perspective, ultracold temperatures are a million times colder than 1 degree above absolute zero: less than 0.000001 K.) The image seen here shows Rb-87 atoms fluorescing at 780 nm as they are precooled in a magneto-optical trap before loading into a hybrid quadrupole magnetic/coaxial optical trap for further cooling. Please ignore the tags: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Marshall Space Flight Center NASA Careers

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the combination of algorithms designed to create devices that present capabilities similar to those of human beings. A type of technology that is beginning to be present in everyday life in the most common applications, even for home use such as Siri and Alexa cell phone assistants, or facial recognition applications such as those used by the Argentine government in systems such as ANSES (National Administration of Social Security “Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social”) and the AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Revenue “Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos”).Authors Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, two academic classics of Computer Science, defined the “types” of artificial intelligence according to their application in the following categories:– Systems that “think” like humans (e.g., artificial neural networks).– Systems that act like humans (e.g., robots).– Systems that learn and generate new knowledge (e.g., expert systems).Within the branch of systems that emulate the human way of thinking in the aforementioned categories, we find ourselves with two techniques that are increasingly used: Deep Learning and Machine Learning algorithms.It can be said that Machine Learning has a side called Deep Learning. While both technologies refer to systems capable of learning on their own, Deep Learning is more complex and sophisticated, and it is also more autonomous, which means that once the system has been programmed, human intervention is minimal.More dangerous than the famous ‘fake news’, the ‘deep fake’ are videos manipulated using artificial intelligence techniques such as those cited. The result is extremely realistic.Another example is Deepfakeapp published as an application that allowed any computer novice to manipulate videos, a tool specially designed for those popularly known as ‘revenge p*rn’ (*), that is, the unauthorized and malicious publication of intimate images.In 2018, a video in which an alleged Barak Obama called Donald Trump an imbecile circled the world. It was a fake recording in which actor Jordan Peele and Buzzfeed CEO Jonah Peretti were trying to raise awareness of the danger of unverified information and the Deepfake. In any case, one of the first steps when investigating the origin of a video or image is to verify the source: Who sent this? Who signs it? Is it reliable? Tracing the path of the so-called Deepfake, seeing where it was first shared, and who published it are some basic steps to take that don’t require advanced knowledge, just common sense.AI Automobiles USA Villa Rentals

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    • BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (14)


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    Why are burns to that unique 1% TBSA different from burns to the rest of the body?The genital area differs from most body parts in that it possesses an extensive vascular network supplying the skin and superficial subcutaneous tissues. This rich vascularisation may offer the genital region superior wound-healing capacity compared to other body areas and might allow for better skin preservation.However, the skin in the genital area is thin and contains fewer subcutaneous tissues than the torso and limbs, predisposing it to a higher likelihood of more severe hashtag#burns due to deeper tissue damage.The potential for vascular damage to the hashtag#genitalia, hashtag#perineum and surrounding skin due to burns can lead to destruction of the vascular supply.Isolated burns to the genitalia in all age groups most commonly occur on the penis and scrotum, accounting for 48.6% of cases, compared to 22.1% on the vulva and vagin*.The reason for increased prevalence in males may be linked to anatomical differences, such as the larger surface area and more protuberant nature of the male genitals, making the penis and scrotum more vulnerable to thermal injury. In uncircumcised survivors, the prepuce provides good protection to the glans, and the glans burns seldom need debridement due to the rich blood supply to male genitalia, which allows for better skin preservation.Severe scrotal edema is common in the early stages of resuscitation and can result in burn depth progression and pressure necrosis of the urethra, especially in the presence of a urinary catheter. In combat casualties, the presence of buttock, perineal, and/or genital burns may serve as an important unique surrogate for overall injury and burn severity not fully captured by the Injury Severity Score or burn %TBSA.Have I missed anything? BURNWAY INCSavingLivesthroughlit Aequor Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.#usaburninstitute#USA#tbsa

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    Human Trafficking in the United StatesIn the United States, traffickers compel victims to engage in commercial sex and to work in both legal and illicit industries and sectors, including in hospitality, traveling sales crews, agriculture, janitorial services, construction, landscaping, restaurants, factories, care for persons with disabilities, salon, etc. Understanding Human Trafficking“Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” are umbrella terms – often used interchangeably – to refer to a crime whereby traffickers exploit and profit at the expense of adults or children by compelling them to perform labor or engage in commercial sex. When a person younger than 18 is used to perform a commercial sex act, it is a crime regardless of whether there is any force, fraud, or coercion involved. More than 175 nations have ratified or acceded to the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons (the UN TIP Protocol). Sex TraffickingSex trafficking encompasses the range of activities involved when a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to compel another person to engage in a commercial sex act or causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act.The crime of sex trafficking is also understood through the “acts,” “means,” and “purpose” framework. All three elements are required to establish a sex trafficking crime (except in the case of child sex trafficking.Child Sex TraffickingIn cases where an individual engages in any of the specified “acts” with a child (under the age of 18), the means element is irrelevant regardless of whether evidence of force, fraud, or coercion exists. The use of children in commercial sex is prohibited by law in the United States and most countries around the world.Key Principles and ConceptsThese key principles and concepts relate to all forms of trafficking in persons.Who are the Traffickers?At the heart of this phenomenon is the traffickers’ aim to profit from the exploitation of their victims and the myriad coercive and deceptive practices they use to do so. Traffickers can be strangers, acquaintances, or even family members, and they prey on the vulnerable and on those seeking opportunities to build for themselves a brighter future.How Many Victims of Human Trafficking Are There?It is hard to find reliable statistics related to human trafficking. The hidden nature of the crime often hampers the quality and quantity of data available, challenges in identifying individual victims, gaps in data accuracy and completeness, and significant barriers regarding the sharing of victim information among various stakeholders. For these reasons, data and statistics may not reflect the full nature or scope of the problem.For more info, follow us on Linkedin...........And Visit our profile: Criminal Investigation National Crime Agency (NCA) AvivaStop Humantrafficking

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    • BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (21)


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BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (24)


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BANG DETECTIVE on LinkedIn: While 2022's global murder rate was 6.1 (per 100k people), murder rates… (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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